Amy C.

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Lawrence, Kansas, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Amy C.

42 Jahre alt | Teacher | Als Familie

We are an international family. I am a teacher from the United States and my husband is a journalist from Germany. We both speak English. (My husband is fluent.) He is a native German speaker who also speaks Hebrew and Spanish. Our son is a dual citizen. We currently live in Germany, but are ready to explore the continent with our son. My husband enjoys working in the garden and we both adore animals. For 14 years, I was blessed to have a terrier mix and calico who were the best of friends. I even had ten backyards chickens! I also had other dogs, other cats, and a number of gerbils, hamsters, and a guinea pig as a young girl. As a boy, my husband had two parakeets. We both want a pet, but agree it would be irresponsible for us to get one until we are finally settled somewhere. Housesitting would be a fantastic opportunity for our son to get familiar with various animals without the long-term commitment of keeping our own pet. He is already so curious about the animals he sees at the farm when we buy our milk. He would absolutely love having a cuddly little friend to play with. We are both excellent tenants: clean and extremely reliable. I am a former home owner (and landlady), so know how to take good care of a property. We will take great care of your place. And, even more importantly, we will take excellent care of your furry friend(s).

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Thorsten, 38 Jahre alt, Journalist, Ehepartner / Partner
Jefferson, 1 Jahre alt, Toddler, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Deutsch

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