Jolene g.

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Mankato, Minnesota, United States

Über Jolene g.

73 Jahre alt | Educator

We are a retired American couple. We have traveled over the world as house sitters and have loved living locally.
We are in excellent health, do not smoke or have any other addictive habits. We are honest, caring, friendly and responsible people who would show the greatest respect for both your pets and your home. We have had the privilege of taking care of homes and pets in the United States, Italy, Sicily, Norway, Ireland and New Zealand.
We have experience giving medicine and dealing with local veterinarians. As long time home owners and as both a rental property owner and caretakers for other rentals, we are experienced with home care and maintenance. We are experienced in dealing with issues that come up and working with local business to resolve any problem. We enjoy being outdoors maintaining our yard and gardens.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Tom, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

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