Shirley h.

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Über Shirley h.

77 Jahre alt | Retired Teacher/Counsellor for the Provincial Government

Reviews (1)

Dawn - Prenton, United Kingdom
29 May 2014
House sitters like these make travel between France and England possible.

Thank you for taking such good care of my animals. + More

External references (3)
Leslie - House / Pet sitting Reference
09 September 2013
Sept., 10, 2013

To whom it may concern;

I have known Thomas for a great many years. At all times I have found him to be honest, dependable and trustworthy. I have admired his love and respect for not only his own pets but for all animals.
I would be happy to provide further informatio... + More

Lo Ping - House / Pet sitting Reference
07 September 2013
She is a very lovable and caring person. Not only towards people but animals as well. She enjoys having friends over frequently. Her home is always clean and organised. She is an excellent person to rely on when it comes to taking good care of your home and looking after the pets. + More

Marnee - House / Pet sitting Reference
07 September 2013
This will confirm that I have known Shirley basically all our lives and have no hesitation in recommending her as your pet/house sitter. She takes excellent care of her own property in Canada both inside and outdoors for many years. She has had pets who were 'members of the family'. She is a lo... + More

View Review (1) View all References (3)
About Shirley & Thomas
We are a retired couple in our sixties whose children have left home. We now have time away from our government jobs to travel and explore the world.

Shirley was raised on a farm so is comfortable and caring towards all animals, and Thomas is an extreme animal lover with no tolerance for abuse of any animal. We would be honoured to look after your home and pets. For us, looking after an animal is not a chore, it’s a pleasure.

Owning and maintaining our own homes for over 30 years, we have plenty of experience with all the little things that need to be looked after in a house and yard. We are trustworthy, clean and tidy. We also enjoy gardening, and Thomas can fix almost anything.

House sitting for friends and family has included looking after an acreage with horses and dogs, cooking for a sheep-shearing gang in New Zealand, house sitting a large home on a lake, and pet/house sitting in the city.

We have had many pets over the years including a German Shepard, a Collie, a Labrador Retriever, a Chihuahua, hounds, terriers, several mixed breeds, twin cats, many other ca

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Thomas, 71 Jahre alt, Retired Safety Manager, Canadian Pacific Railway, Ehepartner / Partner

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