Raquel a.

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Paris, Île-de-France, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Raquel a.

39 Jahre alt | IT Professional, Social Entrepreneur | Allein

Hi, I'm Raquel, Brazilian and Social Entrepreneur. I work with Information Technology and currently I'm developing a new project. So, since I'm staying at home working with my computer, it's perfect to have some animal friends around to make my work time more funny. It's a pleasure for me to spend time with pets and for sure I will take care of any animal with the respect that they deserve. Furthermore, I have my own pets (2 dog, 2 rabbits and a cat in Brazil) and I completely understand how is to love too much an animal and want the best for them. I work online and I will be always available to talk to the owners and keep them up to date about their house/pets.

I love to travel and spend long time in cities to know the place, like a local, not only visit quickly the touristic places. Be self-employed give me high mobility and flexibility to travel a lot and explore places when and for how long time I want. So, I'm always open for house/pet sitting opportunities.

House/pet sitting is a awesome opportunity to travel and enjoy places like a local resident. The experience of travel by this way is more interesting and deep and while I'm enjoying the place (and playing with cute animals :P ), I'm helping someone to travel relaxed about their pets that stayed at home.

I have experience with my own dogs and rabbits (now in Brazil) and I often looked after friends' animals while they traveled. Recently, I had sweet experiences with cats, rabbits and dogs of my hosts in different cities in Italy, South of France, Greece, Portugal and Germany, using another pet sit website.

Profile from other website:

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Portugiesisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Katinka M.

Albi, France - September 2020

Raquel was my first experience of petsitting. My cat Nova is quite shy and not always easy, but she took her time to get to know her and she did a great job! Raquel has won over the trust of Nova in a short time and my cat was very happy during her stay. She gave me news regularly and sent pictures of Nova. She was very invested in the well-being of Nova. Furthermore she's a lovely person, full of joy and love for animals. When I came home the appartment was spot clean and very tidy. I would highly recommend Raquel as a petsitter!

Devan w.

Knoxville, United States - August 2018

Raquel is an experienced housitter. She pays attention to the behavior of the animal and informed us when she thought our rabbit wasn’t feeling well. She loves animals. She left our house clean and tidy.

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