Scott n.

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Lakewood, Colorado, United States

Über Scott n.

67 Jahre alt | Computer Programmer

Have had a garden and pets for most my life.... For the last 20 years I've had Koi ponds and also have a greenhouse where I keep fire belly toads and a lizard among the plants. I have owned and maintained my own home for over 40 years. I have traveled the world playing rugby. I am now looking forward to just seeing the world at a slower pace and getting to know different parts of the world. I enjoy keeping busy and do like my daily walks with my dogs. Want to keep taking care of animals, property and myself. My home is passive (attached greenhouse) and active solar. I have got to remove and re-install my solar panels when I had my roof replaced. Framed houses to put myself through school and my dad had me work on cars.. I think I'm pretty handy around a lot of things.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Reggie, 57 Jahre alt, Loan Officer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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