Tamara "tee" m.

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SF, California, United States

Über Tamara "tee" m.

52 Jahre alt | Tour Designer / Director

Hello, my name is Tee and I'm a bibliophile, foodie, world traveler, and history geek. I’m also an animal lover! I travel too often to have any pets of my own, but I love to care for other people’s furry family members.

I recently made the decision to quit my job, downsize and live life more simply. I started a business, a history tour company, that allows me to be location-independent. My ultimate goal is to slow down so that I can connect with people and fully appreciate the world around me.

Over the past 20 years I've housesat for my friends and family members who have pets. I've sat for the weekend and for as long as a month. I can drop in at requested times of the day or stay overnight, whichever is your preference. I'm neat and keep a very tidy house so you'll return home to a very clean house. As a bonus, I know my way around home and kitchen gardens.

I’m well traveled and I have a very flexible travel schedule. I’ve traveled extensively in the US, Europe (France, Spain, Ireland, UK, Wales), Australia, Canada, and Mexico. I speak some Spanish, some French, Australian and British! ? I can drive a manual car on the left side of the road! I’m typically comfortable in any environment and I make friends easily. I currently don’t have any restriction on how long I can housesit.

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