Simone s.

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Hovmantorp, Kronoberg County, Sweden

Über Simone s.

35 Jahre alt | Business Owner

Nothing motivates me and inspires me as much as discovery does. Having the opportunity to see new parts of the world to explore its nature, living the culture and meeting the people, is for me the meaning of life. And to top it off, the presence of any animal (big or small, warm or cold, fluffy or smooth) always brightens my day!

I am originally from Sweden, but have spent about 7 years living in Brussels, Belgium, where I worked with Project Management and Management Reporting. I have also spent about 1,5 year travelling around Central- and South America. Nowadays I am a Business Owner, and I started working for myself just over 2 years ago. I own a property investment business in the UK that is run with a local team, allowing me to be working on the business wherever I am.

So far, I have only been a house sitter for family or friends, and I really enjoy the change of environment. They would say about me that I am a responsible and trustworthy sitter, who values transparency and loyalty.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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