Irene c.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Naples, Campania, Italy

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Irene c.

43 Jahre alt | Journalist

I am Irene, I was born in Naples, Italy. I lived there until I was 17, when I left to study in Scotland. I later discovered that journalism was my passion and -after stints in Germany, Canada and the UK- made my home in Latin America.
That is where I met Nacho, a journalist born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Our relationship took us to Chile, Venezuela and eventually Argentina. Throughout the years, I worked for the BBC, while Nacho worked for dpa, the German press agency. We eventually got married and settled in Buenos Aires. We lived there until December 2016, in a house with three lovely cats and a veg garden. (For a while we also had a lovely dog, Mike, who unfortunately passed away.)
Now we are in Europe where I am working on a big journalistic project on women's football (called A Girls' Game), and Nacho is writing a book. We also continue working as freelance journalists, writing news stories for several media around the world. (Our cats are in the same house where they used to live, well taken care of by one of Nacho's brothers!)
At the moment we are looking for a quiet place to focus on our respective projects, enjoy nature, and be in the company of some pets (we dearly miss our cats!).
We are outdoorsy and very active. (I am training for a half marathon and Nacho for a marathon at the moment.) We do not smoke, and are good gardeners. We are very sociable and curious about the world, and we love communicating with people in different environments. I speak Italian, English, Spanish, German, French and Portuguese, while Nacho speaks Spanish, Italian and English.
Our son Lorenzo, who was born in Italy but is already quite a traveller, babbles in Spanish and Italian so far. ;-)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Nacho, 42 Jahre alt, Journalist, Ehepartner / Partner
Lorenzo, 5 Jahre alt, Baby!, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten
Übertrifft die Erwartungen

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Noëlle b.

Paris, France - April 2018

Irène et Nacho ont été de parfaits home-sitters, des personnes adorables, de confiance, et qui aiment vraiment les animaux. Grâce à eux nous avons pu partir sereinement pendant trois semaines et profiter pleinement de notre voyage, sans nous faire de souci pour nos vieux animaux qui demandent une attention particulière. En effet Irène et Nacho se sont très bien occupés de nos deux chiennes et deux chats assez âgés, les câlinant souvent et les soignant quand c'était nécessaire, très attentifs à leur bien-être et à leur santé. Ils nous ont donné des nouvelles très régulièrement, n'hésitant pas à nous demander des indications supplémentaires si besoin. Nous les remercions vivement pour leur implication et leur gentillesse. Ils ont de plus laissé la maison impeccable, ont tout nettoyé, tout rangé, et nous ont même préparé un délicieux repas à notre retour. Nous espérons les revoir et les recommandons très chaleureusement!

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