Paul c.

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Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Über Paul c.

51 Jahre alt | General Manager

We are a couple in our 40s, who grew up on opposite sides of the world, and now share our lives together in Canada. We travel extensively, and enjoy it greatly. We both manage hotel operations in the Canadian Rockies, and have excellent reputations. We have had several pets over the years, and host dog sled teams at our resorts. We love animals, my wife enjoys gardening with her mom, and we both are very mature, sensible and quiet. We are travelling through Europe a great deal this Spring, and would love to be in places where we can get a real feeling for where we are visiting, instead of hotels. Our mama is travelling with us (my mother-in-law and my gardening guru), and she brings 60 years of village commercial farm and garden experience, that inspires and guides us to be the excellent landscapers and gardeners that we are! Her energy and experience has taught us much!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Elizabeta, 54 Jahre alt, Manager, Ehepartner / Partner
Vera, 83 Jahre alt, Retired, Elternteil

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