Melanie z.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Über Melanie z.

39 Jahre alt | Project Manager

I'm a female professional in my early-30s looking for a house-sitting opportunity for anywhere from some weeks to a few months between now and May 2018.

?? I'm a meticulous guest (likely to leave places even cleaner than as I found them), have experience house/cat/dog-sitting and a plethora of private and professional references that can attest to my utmost trustworthiness (references can be provided).

?? I just moved to London having lived in Germany the last 7 and originally being italo-Australian. I am staying with a friend whilst job hunting and have just been offered a dream, short-term VOLUNTEER position in the social enterprise space as the righthand-(wo)man of the founder. I'm really excited about the role and want to take it as it's an amazing opportunity and will fit well to do alongside my search for a paid (corporate) position. Unfortunately, however, a volunteer role is difficult to support in such an expensive city like London so I am eagerly seeking a place where I can live and work from for up to 3 months (though anything shorter would be just as helpful).

Any opportunities, great or small, would be appreciated immensely!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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