Paul c.

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Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Über Paul c.

58 Jahre alt | Holistic Therapist

Hi there!

I'm a friendly, calm, responsible Holistic Therapist. I currently live in my home town of Belfast Northern Ireland. Previously, I have worked and lived in London for 20 years. I've also worked in Greece and France for short periods of time, and visited a lot of European countries, as well as Australia and the USA.

I have been lucky enough to have had the opportunity of caring for, pets of the four legged variety. I love the positive vibes we receive from all living animals, especially cats and dogs. I am qualified to practice Massage, Reflexology and I am a Reiki master.

I'm equally comfortable and content at home alone with a family pet, or in the thick of it a large family gathering.

Thanks for your time and patience in reading this far, don't hesitate to contact me if you've any questions :)

Paul C.

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