Nancy t.

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Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Über Nancy t.

76 Jahre alt | corporate travel manager

We're Les and Nancy, caring, competent and conscientious animal lovers who have whole-heartedly embraced full time house sitting. We would love to take long walks with your dogs, snuggle your kitties, keep your house in tip-top condition and get our hands dirty in your garden.

We’re experienced, friendly, detail-oriented retirees with a zest for life, curious minds and and energetic healthy bodies. We love traveling, learning about new cultures and sharing ours. We've built homes, owned homes, held successful corporate careers, and raised 3 pretty cool kids. And now we're off to see the world as successful house sitting professionals.

We believe that taking excellent care of your beloved pets and home is our most important responsibility.

~ We have an abundance of life, professional and travel experience and we’re very comfortable and adaptable in new surroundings and cultures.

~ We will confidently handle most emergencies with calm, quick-thinking action. If we can’t handle it ourselves, we’ll know who to call. That’s where our management and leadership experiences come in handy!

~ We will be respectful of your home, your possessions and your privacy. We’re homeowners ourselves and will treat yours as if it were our own.

~ We are excellent communicators. We will keep you updated as often as you like so you know everything is in good hands. We love to send photo updates!

Check out our housesitting website for more info and to see our many rave reviews. We are the

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Les, 78 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

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