Kirsten d.

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Eibergen, Gelderland, Netherlands

Über Kirsten d.

48 Jahre alt | Interior stylist and property manager


We (Kirsten, 44 and Iwan, 47) are a reliable, tidy and non-smoking easy going Dutch couple.

We have a lot of experience as pet and house sitters looking after cats, dogs, horses, birds and fishes (including giving medication) and we are used to deal with all kind of circumstances and energy and water systems. We also have good experiences managing B&B 's and we would love to do this again.

We lived for 17 years on the tropical island Curacao (Dutch Caribbean). We were home owners for more than 10 years and we had 3 dogs (adopted from the streets) and a land turtle. In January 2018 we sold everything (house, cars and stuff) and we started travelling the world together. We love to explore different cultures, meet new people and learn new languages. We can do so, because we are mobile workers. We don’t have children and that’s why we also love pets around us.

Kirsten is an interior stylists and she was a property manager for 3 years for different home owners, who rented their houses/apartments to tourists. She did the check in/out and handled issues, if there were any. Reference letters from these home owners are asked and we'll send them to you, if you want to. At the moment she is a part-time consultant (appr. 3 hours per day).

Iwan is bailiff, but developed himself as insurance advisor and sales manager in the insurance industry. He is now sales consultant and translator/proofreader for appr. 3 hours a day. He likes sports and running and cycling in particular.

In Europe we travel with our own car, so we are flexible in start/end dates in Europe.

We speak different languages:
Dutch, native language
English, fluently
German, good
Spanish, intermediate
French, intermediate by Iwan
Papiamentu, fluently (creole language in the Caribbean)

We are available for short term, mid-term and long term periods for house and pet sitting. We will treat your property and pets with all the respect. We see this as "a way of life" and not as a holiday, so we'll be putting a lot of efforts in good recommendations we want to receive from you. We don’t need much, only WiFi and a mobile network for our part-time business.

Just give us a call if you consider us as your house/pet sitters. We are easy to contact via our Dutch mobile numbers without roaming costs in E.U. (also WhatsApp):
+31-649526026 and +31-649557274
Skype: iwan.kirsten
Emails: [email protected] and [email protected]

We hope to have given you at l

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Iwan, 52 Jahre alt, House/pet sitter and sales consultant, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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