Zoe l.

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Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Über Zoe l.

65 Jahre alt | Pharmacist

Now that my 4 children are grown and on their own, and I have downsized tremendously, I am ready to travel the world to care for homes and pets and meet new people! ( Not to mention the privilege of being able to hug, walk, feed and care for many new animal friends!) I miss not having a dog at home and really enjoy interacting with the many cats in my life---including all their unique personalities! Having grown up with a father in the Airforce, and moving a LOT, I am very adaptable to new environments and love the adventure of discovering new places and people! I am looking for longer house sits worldwide, and both longer and shorter ones in Winnipeg. I am a very caring, compassionate, conscientious person who loves people and animals, and am looking to use those skills in taking loving care of homes and pets so people can travel, knowing that their home and pets are in trustworthy, experienced hands!

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