Sarah c.

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Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand

Über Sarah c.

32 Jahre alt | Marketing

My name is Sarah, I am from New Zealand and am 26. I love animals and grew up with two Siamese cats and a Keeshond dog, and my family also had fish and a cockatiel bird when I was a teenager. Currently my partner and I have a 14 year old Birman cat called Daisy who we dearly love, and she is staying with my parents while we are travelling in Europe.

I work in Marketing and have an Msc in Marketing and a Bachelor of Commerce degrees.

I will be living in Berlin between the 1st June till 6th July taking an intensive German language course, and would like to house sit then. My partner is orginally from Bonn and I would like to improve my German so we can one day move to Germany!

I am experienced looking after cats (including giving medications, my cat Daisy is epileptic and has inflammatory bowel syndrome so needs 4 medications a day!), dogs and birds and fish. I love going for walks so am happy to walk dogs multiple times a day. While studying I will only be in class 3 hours a day so will have a lot of time to give attention to pets! I am also very good with house and potted plants. Back home I had chillis, tomatoes, capsicum and a variety of indoor plants. I am a very house proud person and so will be very happy to take very good care of your home while you're away.

All the best,

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