Clyde and terry c.

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Panama, Panama, Panama


Über Clyde and terry c.

retired firefighter and paramedic

We are a responsible, quiet, married couple that enjoy travel and animals. Clyde worked as a firefighter and paramedic for 30 years in Corpus Christi, Texas before retiring to Panama in 2011 with his wife Terry. In his spare time Clyde enjoys playing the guitar, singing and reading. Terry retired from an office position in the medical field and now spends time blogging, freelance writing and exercising. Both of us enjoy daily walks with our two female Doberman's and playing with them in our yard. Allow us to take care of your cherished possessions and you'll return to find things just as if you never left.

After deciding to explore house sitting, we have had three great experiences in three great countries! The first was a three week house sit for Everest the cat in Ajijic, Mexico. After that we took care of Bolie a German Shepherd and his mixed breed side kick, Luna in a coastal village in Costa Rica. Then, it was off to Ambato Ecuador to take care of Jethro a Blue Ticked Hound Dog with plenty of personality.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Terry Coles, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Gibt Neuigkeiten
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Victoria h.

Oktober 2015

Clyde and Terry were absolutely wonderful! Throughout the entire process of interviewing via Skype and email and when they actually got here until they left, they were open, kind, and courteous. We were a little nervous if they would like the sit since our area isn't really 'touristy', but their prior experience in South America was invaluable and really helped in every aspect. Once we met them in person, we felt 100%% confident that they were the perfect couple to stay with our (slightly neurotic) hound :) While we were gone, they kept us regularly updated not only on the status of our dog, but also with their adventures and sightseeing! It was great to see our area through their eyes. We came home to a sparkling clean apartment, happy and healthy dog, and a pot of chicken soup for lunch! It was a wonderful end to a great trip. We'd be more than happy to have them sit for us again if they ever want to head our way in the future! :)

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