Ion i.

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Valladolid, Castile and León, Spain


Über Ion i.

36 Jahre alt | Writter and Marketing

Hello animal lovers!
We are a couple of independent writers who have been traveling for 5 years in Europe including Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Moldova, learning their languages and cultures.

So far we have enjoyed living in more than 65 homes, earning the friendship of the owners of homes and their pets. When we go to a house like Housesitter we love to socialize, share a good meal, travel experiences and listen to the stories of the hosts so we usually arrive a day or two before to know the rules and the pets. We love animals, play with them, give them pampering and above all their company.
Being writers we like home life while we travel, cooking at home, sitting in front of a fireplace, reading a good book and having fun with pets every day. That is why you can make sure that we will be at home taking care of your beloved animals and your home. We have achieved in homes where we have been very satisfied in the care of their animals and homes. If they have received our invitation it is because we believe that we are the perfect couple so that they can have a quiet vacation. We hope we can meet in our traveling life.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jacqueline, 32 Jahre alt, Writter, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch | Russisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

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September 2019

It is with great pleasure that I sit to write a recommendation to Jacqueline and Ion. For a long time I interviewed candidates for my house-sitting in the summer of 2019, and eventually I chose them against my "thinking mind". I chose them because somehow I liked them from the first time we met on Skype, and I decided to go with my instincts. I'm glad to say that I wasn't disappointed in the least. Let me elaborate: At the time I had many health-issues with my animals. I have over 15 cats and a dog, some are very old, some were sick, and what I really was looking for was an experienced pet-sitter/s, one who already medicated animals, knew how to catch a semi-feral cat to take to the vet, had dealt with different health situations and knew how to spot and recognised them. Well, as it was, what Jacque and Ion lacked in experience they compensated with care and attention. It is totally due to their patience and good observation that my old boy David - an 18+ yrs old cat - is still alive and thriving. He stopped eating for 11 days... I, from abroad, had already given up on him several times, but not them, and I'll always be grateful to them for that. They patiently fed another old boy with raw food until his gingivitis was completely healed. They medicated my 2 indoor cats with several different medications - very successfully. And they spotted that my dog's eye is not well and gone together with her through the difficult process of removing her eye (she had a tumor) and all the medications that followed, sutures removal and the not-so-very-pretty look of my poor baby... They also had to deal with a poisoning case, one of my outdoor cats which didn't show up for breakfast and they searched and found him dead. Quite a shock for any animal lover... They buried him according to my instructions. So as you see, I had reasons to be worried and concerned, and it was with a bit of a heavy heart that I left home. If not for my old mum and the fact that I hadn't seen her for over a year I wouldn't have gone at all. But with each passing day I learnt that it was right to listen to my instincts. Apart from looking so well after my animals, they also took an excellent care over my house and especially my garden. Ion is a farmer in his soul, I believe. He loves to do things in the garden. The first thing we did when they arrived was to go to the nursery and buy vegetable plants, which they grew lovingly and ate until their last day... They also built an ou

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