Stani & richard v.

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Châtellerault, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France


Über Stani & richard v.

IT consultant in the charitable field

We are Richard and Stani, a French/English couple in our 40's.

As we love animals (some might say even more than humans!!) we'd ideally like to sit for somewhere there is a pet or even better - several! We love cats and dogs but are equally comfortable with farm animals as Richard grew up on a farm with sheep, goats, chickens, ducks, geese and donkeys and we have looked after the farm many times over the years when his parents were on holiday.

We are hoping to house sit as we have just returned from a world bicycle tour where we visited 65 different countries and travelled over 175,000 kms. After so many different places, we are nothing if not adaptable! Our home in London is rented out until 2017 so we plan to do some cycling in Europe and hopefully do a few housesits until our property becomes vacant. So we understand having someone living in your home and the trust you have to place in their responsible behaviour.

Somewhere with a garden or outside land would be a plus as we love being outside and being vegetarians especially enjoy looking after vegetable gardens.

As we love the outdoors, we'd be happy being somewhere remote but are equally content to be in a city, town or village.

Professionally, Richard is a wine sommelier and Stani works as an IT consultant for a charitable organisation. As we'll be working online, we do need somewhere with access to the internet. Non professionally we are excellent bike mechanics ;-)

We are very responsible, practical, trustworthy, energetic and fit and non smokers of course.

We've housesat several times in countries such as France, Australia, Cambodia, Thailand, Mexico, always because there were animals that needed caring for in their owners absence. We've made good friends with many and stayed in touch with all the owners. In some cases we have returned several times for repeat housesits. Whilst these were all arranged privately, we'd be happy to provide contact details if references were requested. The most recent was in France this year so it would be easy to arrange for you to check.

We are fit and energetic so happy to do general maintenance in the garden if required and the guarantee that your home will be kept as spotless and your pet cared for and loved as if it were our own.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Richard, Sommelier, Ehepartner / Partner

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Véronique F.

Château-d'Oex, Switzerland - Januar 2017

Stani, Richard, encore un grand MERCI pour votre venu à la maison. Nos 4 chats ont été super bien soignées et la maison est comme un sous neuf. Vous êtes formidable a tout point. A une prochaine en France ou en Suisse on verra. Merci de tout cœur Véro Thierry Méline Yaël Jolane avec Tekoa Nayana Bella et Aïko ;)

Eric & caroline

September 2016

Nous sommes très heureux d'avoir rencontré Stani et Richard. Pendant 15 jours ils se sont magnifiquement bien occupés de nos animaux (5 chats et 2 poules) ainsi que de notre maison. Et à notre retour un très bon repas nous attendait ! Nous les recommandons fortement !!! Merci Stani et Richard, bonne route !

August 2016

Stani et Richard ont pris soin de nos animaux leur apportant beaucoup d'intérêts comme jouer, caresser et prodiguer les soins nécessaires à leur équilibre. Nous avons eu des nouvelles d'eux tous les soirs par sms. Ils sont gentils, sérieux, discrets et respectueux. Un couple en qui vous pouvez avoir toute votre confiance. De plus, ce sont des personnes très intéressantes, simples, sages avec une grande richesse "d'esprit" compte tenu de leurs voyages autour du monde, on ne se lasse pas de discuter avec eux. Très belle rencontre ! Merci encore Stani et Richard.

françoise A.

Malemort, France - März 2016

Richard et Stani sont des personnes très agréables, sensibles, autonomes, ouverts aux autres, amoureux des animaux sans aucun doute et respectueux des gens et de la maison. Très belle rencontre.

2-3 von insgesamt 10

Logement de Stani & richard v.

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

1 Katze

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 10 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

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