Thaïs c.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Brussels, Brussels, Belgium

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Thaïs c.

38 Jahre alt | Freelance translator

Meine Reisebegleiter
Filippo, 40 Jahre alt, European Commission, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Gibt Neuigkeiten
Herzlicher Gastgeber
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Hanna m.

Kecskemét, Hungary - August 2022

I had a very good experience petsitting for Thaïs and Filippo, who I got to know as caring, generous, and fun people. Their Neko is an affectionate and playful little cat, who took a few days to get comfortable, after which she started to ask for cuddles and show her favorite spots and games around the apartment. The apartment is beautiful and spacious, where they wamly welcomed me with a delicious homemade dinner. They gave me a detailed guide for everything I might need during the stay, and even beyond: I visited a beautiful concert thanks to their recommendation. While they were away, we exchanged messages daily, in which they always made sure that I feel at ease with anything unexpected. Finally, they returned from their travels with a really kind and attentive surprise. I'm very happy that I got to know Thaïs, Filippo, and Neko, very much recommend them for interested pet sitters, and hope to meet them again!

Peter c.

Lisbon, Portugal - Oktober 2021

House sitting for Thaïs and Filippo's cat and looking after her cozy apartment was such a pleasure and a privilege. They gave me such a warm welcome and went to great lengths to make sure that I would be confortable during my stay and provided clear instructions on all relevant subjects. Furthermore they were always available and responsive when I texted news or questions. The cat likes her Independence but will show you sweet love as soon as she has chosen to adopt you. Thaïs and Filippo are blessed to live in an enormous and very comfortable appartement decorated with good taste and situated in centrally located Brussel just 2 minutes walk from the relaxing Jardin Botanique. Thanks for this rare opportunity. I adored every minute of my stay in your apartment and I am looking forward to a continued friendship.

2-2 von insgesamt 6

Logement de Thaïs c.

Brussels, Belgium

1 Katze

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