Marie s.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Guilvinec, Brittany, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen

Über Marie s.

66 Jahre alt | Prof retraitée

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten
Lokaler Kulturführer
Herzlicher Gastgeber

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Solveig L.

Düsseldorf, Germany - Mai 2022

It is difficult to choose the badges due to the limit, so I skipped on purpose the cat lover badge, only with aim to be able to fit in the numbers. But anyway wanted to mention short that Marie loves the cats deeply and they return her love for sure. Marie is very gentle, charming person with bright interests and passionate about the joy of living. She was from beginning of our first communication and till the end of my stay - very open and welcoming host. I was still recovering from injury, so she has offered me a lot of help far beyond her obligation as a host and certainly my expectation. I has appreciated and appreciate it very much. Marie prepared all information and details about her cats and her place in writing and explained it very good, so everything was clear direct by our first meeting. Her apartment is a bright, tasteful decorated, cozy place. It has a perfect location in Guilvinec, close to the shops and market and at the same time is quiet and the most beautiful beach is just around the corner. I have spent the beautiful time in the company of Marie’s adorable cats - Grisbouille and T’choupi. They were very attending hosts, always meeting me on the door, being close and watch over me, just in case I need some assistance ☺️, entertaining me with their plays. Two very different characters, but both full of love, affection and kindness. My time with them was pleasant and easy, just their daily habits to be respected. Marie, Grisbouille and T’choupi are highly recommended as hosts and I will with pleasure meet them again by the next time being in the area.

2-2 von insgesamt 5

Logement de Marie s.

Brittany, France

2 Katzen

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 6 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

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