Mark R.

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Phoenix, Arizona, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Mark R.

79 Jahre alt | Lawyer

I'm a retired lawyer, divorced, grandfather of three, from the Phoenix, Arizona (USA) area. Since I retired six years ago, I've spent four to six months each year travelling all over the world, frequently by motorcycle. I thoroughly enjoy meeting new people in new places and have discovered first-hand that people everywhere, first and foremost, truly care about other people regardless what their governments tell them. I have discovered this in remote ares of South Africa , Vietnam and Mexico as well as cities like Mumbai, Paris, Sofia and Cape Town. My special passion is visiting archaeological sites - the older the better!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Gibt Neuigkeiten
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Catherine p.

Lyon, France - Oktober 2019

Pour notre première expérience au sein de la communauté Nomador, ce fut une totale satisfaction ! Nous ne regrettons pas notre choix pour Mark, un home sitter exemplaire et remarquable par son professionnalisme que nous recommandons très sincèrement sans aucune réserve. Nous avons eu la chance de pouvoir l’accueillir quelques jours avant et après nos vacances et partager ainsi de très bons moments entre amis à échanger sur l’histoire de notre pays pour lequel il est particulièrement passionné. Autonome, attentif et responsable, il a su parfaitement s’adapter à notre environnement, entretenir notre appartement et se faire adopter par notre chien Elliott, qui, depuis son départ, s’ennuie et l’attend ! Nous avons hâte de le retrouver pour nos prochains congés et/ou le recevoir amicalement pour une virée découverte de notre région. Bien belle rencontre, merci Mark et merci Nomador ! ????????

Laura c.

Servoz, France - Juli 2019

Mark has just completed a second sit for us looking after our cat, dog and home (including garden) for two weeks. We are very pleased with the care he took throughout his stay, and his flexibility when our dates changed. My husband Nick stayed at the house for a few of the days he was here and that wasn’t a problem for Mark. He is low maintenance and very responsible, we would happily have him house sit again.

Maureen a.

Horsham, United States - Juni 2019

Mark was an excellent choice for me, he made friends with my cat straight away and loved the area where my apartment is situated. He made use of the pool but also went on various sight seeing tours which is exactly what I wanted him to do. I couldn't wish for a better sitter and will be in contact again when I need someone to look after my cat. Thankyou very much

Laura c.

Servoz, France - Mai 2019

Mark recently took care of our home and pets in Chelsea and we couldn’t be happier. He is organised, communicative and very reliable. We appreciated his flexibility when our dates slightly changed. I would recommend him to other home owners! Mark will be back to stay in July when we go away for two weeks.

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