Brigitte p.

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Munich, Bavaria, Germany


Über Brigitte p.

72 Jahre alt | Brandmanager in a publishing company

my name is Brigitte. I am 66 years old and worked in a publishing company as a brand manager, but now I'm retired. My friend Elke is 55 years old and works as a freelance editor. As she can take her work with her wherever she goes, we have time to travel and to discover new places and foreign countries.

Why we want to house sit? Well, we have a very nice but small flat in Munich and we love to live there. But sometimes we are looking for "more space and less city", more nature and quiet. We love to travel, to see other places, we love the seaside, and instead of staying at hotels we would rather really feel at home somewhere for more than a fews days. Besides, we like the idea of exchanging a service based on mutual trust and we hope - who knows? - perhaps to even make new friends.

We are both open-minded, Elke is the sociable communicative type, I'm a little more calm ;-).
We both are practical flexible people used to finding our way around new places and dealing with all sorts of situations. We both like animals and regret that we can't keep pets in our flat - it's just a little bit too small.
We are fully aware that you entrust your pets and your property to complete strangers and we want to make you feel your home is in good hands: we are very reasonable, down-earth people and we are non-smokers. We are not professional gardeners, but we love gardening. So if you want us to do some gardening for you, just tell us.

Our experiences since septembre 2016: we have been in several countries (Switzerland (2x), France(2x), Spain (2x), Ireland, Denmark and of course Germany) to sit dogs, cats, birds and farm animals and of course look after the house and garden.

We both have a driver's license - so no problem, if there's a car needed.

Elke speaks German, French, English, Greek, and a little Spanish, Italian, and Dutch. I speak German, English and a little French and actually I am learning Spanish.

We would be pleased to hear from you.
Elke & Brigitte

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Elke Sagenschneider, editor/lector, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Marie et Jean-Louis M.

Eyragues, France - November 2016

Nous n'avons pas eu le plaisir de faire la connaissance de Elke et Brigitte car nous étions absents et ce sont nos enfants qui les ont reçu. Nous leur avions transmis les consignes et elles ont été respectées. Leur séjour chez nous a été irréprochable et nous recommandons vivement ces personnes responsables respectueuses qui s'occupent très bien des animaux, entretiennent le jardin, donnent des nouvelles et laissent la maison en bon état. Nous n'hésiterons pas à les recontacter en cas de besoin en espérant qu'elles voudront continuer a visiter notre région. Pour nous la garde de maison est un échange de bon procédé et si chacun y trouve son compte alors joindre l'utile à l'agréable prend tout son sens. Merci pour tout, Marie et Jean-Louis

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