James s.

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Harrogate, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über James s.

62 Jahre alt | Semi-retired.

I can bring a dependable, honest, clean Yorkshireman to look after your property and pets. I have few ties at home and lots of time for myself so being anywhere is not a problem for me. I am self-contained!

I grew up in the Yorkshire Dales on my family's small-holding (when I wasn't away at school).
I went to Giggleswick School - an historic traditional English boarding school. Following that I did Business Studies at Harrogate College....so I've had a good education.

On our small farm we had cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks.....numerous cats, and always a couple of dogs. We never had horses but I am good with most animals and never have a problem making a connection with them. I 'feel' for an animal as if they were a fellow human, so I take care of them accordingly. I cannot bear to see cruelty or neglect.

I have house-sat many times in the past, including looking after 2 horses, dog, 2 cats & 2 gerbils in Denmark, looking after a 49ft ketch in Mexico, a wheat farm in Western Australia and several properties in the USA inc. Oregon & Pennsylvania. The last 2 Winters I house-sat 9 properties in France, Switzerland and Spain with a variety of animals including dogs, cats, sheep, donkeys, llama, ducks, geese and hens.

Am I experienced? Yes. Very experienced in LIFE. I'm well educated. I have done many different jobs, including:
-managing a wheat farm in Western Australia
-driving around the world in a Land Rover (95-2001)
-sailing across the Atlantic in a small (8m) sailboat....and sailing the Tasman, Caribbean, Pacific, Sea of Cortez and the Med. Crewing and delivering many boats.
-I am an experienced driver and have licences for trucks, buses and motorbikes along with my regular car licence.
-I have travelled extensively to well over 100 countries and experienced much, including many earthquakes, civil war, and the Tsunami (Sri Lanka).
-I hold an Advanced Diver licence.
-I look after myself very well and am quite a good cook. I am also handy at most things. I have renovated 2 houses and maintain my own vehicles.

I can get by in French and Spanish. I have basic German, (VERY basic) Chinese and Russian.

Usually I house-sit to get away from the lousy Winter weather we have in the north of England but now my partner Valerie has retired, we are available any time of the year. She is also an animal lover and has joined me many times in the past to house-sit.

You can also find me and many references as jamesofyorkshire on Couchsur

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Val, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Gibt Neuigkeiten
Sehr freundlich
Lokaler Kulturführer

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



Vaulnaveys-le-Haut, France - November 2018

James est un super home-sitter, qui aime vraiment les chiens et les animaux en général. Notre jeune golden retriever O'Malley a eu beaucoup d'exercices et de jeux dans le jardin, et aussi un peu d'éducation. Il est un compagnon encore plus agréable depuis cette semaine de présence attentive. James est très respectueux de la maison dans laquelle il séjourne, notre maison était très bien rangée et propre quand nous sommes revenus. James est un home-sitter discret et très agréable. Merci James d'avoir si bien géré notre jeune chien encore un peu tout fou et nous espérons que malgré l'arrivée de l'automne tu as profité de ce séjour.

Ursula d.

Beaumes-de-Venise, France - Oktober 2018

This is the second time James has house and animal sat for us. Always reliable, it is such a comfort to know that everything is in such good and capable hands. Thoroughly reliable and recommended.

Ursula d.

Beaumes-de-Venise, France - September 2018

I can recommend James as a house sitter. He was totally reliable and great with our animals, a dog and cat. The house was spick and span on our return and nothing was too much trouble. Thoroughly recommended.

Patricia et philippe l.

Jaujac, France - Mai 2018

James s'est occupé de nos deux chiens pendant 4 semaines. A notre retour, les chiens étaient en pleine forme et la maison impeccable. Malgré le temps capricieux, James a sillonné la région à vélo de long en large. James est très discret et semble avoir apprécié le calme et l'isolement de notre maison.

4-4 von insgesamt 16

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