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Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat
Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Jana&miguel


Hello everyone,

we are a couple (non smokers) ready to help with house/pet sitting while you're on holidays.
We love animals and are experienced in taking care of dogs and cats :) We are also very tidy and responsible people.
Currently we are both working as freelancers, so we are flexible on location, date and duration.

Here are some more pictures of us with our furry friends:

and also our Trustedhousesitters account with references:

and our Airbnb account with references:

Before any housesit we are of course available for a video call or even a personal meeting, if we are already in the area.
Looking forward to hear from you soon.

Jana & Miguel

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Miguel , Graphic designer, Ehepartner / Partner
Jana, Translator , Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Übertrifft die Erwartungen

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Nicolas B.

Bordeaux, France - August 2021

Jana and Miguel stayed home to take care of our cat for 4 weeks in August 2021. They came specially from Czech Republic to Paris and I can say only one thing about them, they are just a perfect couple. You can rely on them completely for your pet, for your house and you can feel 100 %% secure and relax, all will be fine. They sent us some pictures of our cat every 3 days, the cat seemed to be so happy to stay with them. Concerning the house, when we came back it was so clean, all things were as before and nobody could think they stayed 4 weeks home. They welcomed us back home with a lovely meal and we could discuss with them about their stay in Paris and about our vacations. There is no doubt they were perfect for the situation and fully trustable. Do not hesitate, go with them. Sandrine and Nicolas

brigitte B.

Lagny-sur-Marne, France - August 2019

Jana et Miguel forment un jeune couple très sympathique. Ils ont eu plein d'attentions pour mon chat Cannelle, m'envoyant régulièrement des nouvelles et lui offrant un cadre bien affectueux, soucieux de son bien être. Ils ont su aussi prendre soin de l'appartement que j'ai retrouvé propre et rangé. Ils méritent toute confiance et j'ai eu un vrai plaisir à faire leur connaissance. Gracias de parte de Cannelle y de mi a vosotros Jana y Miguel

Suzanne & christophe c.

Berlin, Germany - Juli 2019

Jana and Miguel were wonderful guests. We felt very comfortable leaving our cat and apartment in their hands. They gave us news often and we came back and the apartment looked perfect. Our plants were very happy that they visited as well. Would definitely recommend them and hope to see them again!

Xenia s.

New York, United States - Juni 2019

Jana and Miguel are awesome travelers and house/Catsitters - Open minded, friendly, aware of their surroundings and very thoughtful. They enabled me an awesome stay abroad with my mind at rest and being reassured about the well being of my two peculiar queenies. I can only recommend them and would always love to host them again! Thank you so much, guys, you are awesome persons :)

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