Attila S.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat
Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Attila S.

37 Jahre alt | IT Professional | Allein

I'm working as an IT professional at a global bank. I love to travel and get inspired by new places. I also love every kind of pets, especially cats and I'm proud to say that they love me back! I adopted my own furbaby last year, so I'm not available all year around anymore and only for shorter stays, but I have very good experience here, so it's only natural that I would still like to arrange my travels with the help of Nomador, even if it's only for the holidays.

I'm a very decent and quiet guy. I like to keep my environment clean and tidy. I absolutely respect the property of others with all of their own rules and I leave every house in the same condition like it was before I arrived. I really love the quiet and peaceful places, especially if it comes with nature, history, culture or a nice beach, but sometimes I like the vibrant big city life too.

Beyond the everyday tasks, I love to spend quality time with the pets: the hugs and the playtime is essential. I want them to feel comfortable and loved in my presence, while their family is away.

Finally I have to add that I'm really proud of the connections I've made through Nomador. I'm really grateful for the people who trust me and call me back from time to time, that some of them I can even call a friend now.

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Gibt Neuigkeiten
Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich
Übertrifft die Erwartungen

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



Dezember 2017

Attila was a great cat/house sitter. Our dear old cat needs special attention and he gave her everything she needed and more. Our home was very well taken care of and we would highly recommend Attila as a caring, conscientious and responsible person. We would be happy to have him house sit for us again anytime.

Isabelle k.

New Haven, United States - Dezember 2017

Attila is a treasure. He took care of my cats and apartment and garden for 3 months and I was delighted by him in every way. He is responsible, thoughtful, independent, fixed things around the house, kept me regularly informed and sent many photos of the cats, including them snuggling with him so I could see how happy and healthy they were. I enjoyed complete peace of mind while I was away, and give him my highest recommendation!

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