Kelly W.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Waimea, Hawaii, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat
Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Kelly W.

62 Jahre alt | Screenwriter

I am a writer, and I have lived in Hawaii, on the Big Island for 6 1/2 years. I love animals, had a dog who passed away a few years ago. Jack was a jack russell-mutt and he was with us before the children were born. He knew three cats in his lifetime ( 2 have passed) and I still have a cat who goes with a trusted friend when I am away. (I have always traveled in the summers)

My passion is film and I am working hard to develop another script that is finished called Rialto.
I have many good friends in Hawaii and also in Toronto and around Stoney Lake in Ontario where I had a house for eighteen years. My artwork is available at and my book is available on and
I house sat in Toronto in 2016, for a musician who travelled to Scotland. I was in her place for five weeks and cared for her plants. I enjoyed it very much as I could write. I love gardening and have grown many trees in Hawaii (lemons, grapefruit, figs, gardenia) as well as butter lettuce and tomatoes. I like tree trimming and cutting grass.
I have taken care of dogs, cats, gardens, chickens, and rodents in France and Great Britain for three years, while writing. It is an ideal life for me. I am happy to have children arrive during my stay, and this is a wonderful way to support others which gives me joy.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Lokaler Kulturführer
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Gilles b.

Paris, France - September 2018

Notre appartement a été occupé et entretenu par une personne sympathique, discrète et soucieuse de son environnement. Notre chat Bouboul a été très bien traité et on l'a retrouvé en pleine forme. Nous remercions vivement Kelly en espérant qu'elle n'a pas trop souffert de la canicule. Nous savons que nous pouvons lui faire pleine confiance.

Aurelia b.

Paris, France - September 2017

kelly est une personne très chaleureuse qui est tr-s propre et aime la propreté de la maison elle met tout du sien pour tout faire pour que la maison soit clean.Elle est gentille sociale et aime se ballader elle ramène toujours quelque chose pour nous c'est un amour. Je la conseille à 300%%.

Franziska Q.

Saint-Geyrac, France - August 2017

We are very glad, that Kelly was here for 4 weeks and looked after our home and our pets. She is friendly, respectful, trustworthy and reliable and we can recommend her.


Juli 2017

Kelly s'est très bien occupé des animaux pendant mon absence. J'ai eu plaisir à échanger avec elle, c'est une personne joyeuse et très agréable.

4-5 von insgesamt 17

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