Javier w.

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CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Über Javier w.

43 Jahre alt | Meditator-Ethnographic-Musician

I am a lover of traveling and interacting with the different environments that life is taking me. Being in each place a time that allows me to know him with his natural times and sincerely.
Since I was 18 I traveled around the world (Europe, Middle East, America and now Southeast Asia) and in 2008 I traveled through Latin America, I found work in the Bolivian Amazon and lived there for 3 years teaching music to children of indigenous communities.

Always my purpose in travel has been the study through real experiences.
I am a Musician, Master in Musical Creation, New Technologies and Traditional Arts, I am also a Degree in Orchestral and Choral Conducting. Now in Southeast Asia I am studying and researching the music of different places and their traditional cultures.
I practice several disciplines as Yoga and particularly the Vipassana Meditation.

I am starting my official experience in Nomador as a house-sitter, but I have been doing it for a long time with my contacts and friends of routes and life.
I have my own house in Buenos Aires, Argentina and I know all the needs of a space to take care of, with pets and plants.
You can count on a trusted and experienced person!

When I found out about this platform, it seemed simply spectacular for the mutual benefit that it generates.

I will be happy to help us carry out our experiences in a self-sustainable way.


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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten
Lokaler Kulturführer

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



Meguro City, Japan - Juli 2019

Empfiehlt nicht


Aix-en-Provence, France - Juni 2018

Javier s'est impeccablement occupé de la maison et des chats . Je recommande !

Neli d.

กทม, Thailand - April 2018

Javier was very easy to communicate with and took great care of my beloved dogs while I was away. He was very thoughtful and brought a gift from Myanmar, where he was coming from. Also, I mentioned that I want to start a compost and when I got back from my trip he had already started one for me in the garden, which was so very nice of him, and a great legacy he left behind to remember him by. He is the perfect person one can wish to have in their house, very quiet and considerate, had no issues at all and he seemed to really have bonded with my dogs while I was away. I felt reassured that all is well at home, as Javier sent me little videos and pictures of my boys and that really helped ease my anxiety, as I don't like leaving my dogs alone for a long time. I can highly recommend Javier as a very reliable and safe person to leave home with your fur babies. Hope to have him over again in the future. Good luck Javi all the best! Titan, Tiger and their human Neli

Valérie l.

Paris, France - März 2018

Javier a été un parfait home sitter. Il s'est occupé de ma chatte Charlie, qui avait un petit problème de peau et nécessitait des soins. Quand je suis revenue, elle était guérie. Anis qui est très sauvage avec les étrangers, dormait à la maison au bout de deux jours. Ils étaient devenus amis. J'ai retrouvé ma maison en bon état, rangée et propre. Javier a aussi pris soin de mon orchidée en pensant à l'arroser chaque jour. Il m'a donné des nouvelles fréquemment afin de me rassurer au sujet d'Anis, car lorsque je suis partie, il s'était enfui de la maison. Vous pouvez confier vos animaux et maison à Javier, c'est une personne sérieuse, calme, sur laquelle vous pouvez compter. Merci Javier, grâce à toi j'ai passé des vacances sans m'inquiéter pour mes chats :-)

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