The Gemfields

Queensland, Australia

Veröffentlicht am 30.05.2018

Bedürfnisse und Tiere

Sich um das Haus kümmern | 2 Hunde | Nutztiere

This is a homeshare offer so we can be responsible for the animals. Our home is very big so looking for someone long term who is willing to help out around the place. In exchange for free accommodation.
This is a homeshare offer so we can be responsible for the animals. Our home is very big so looking for someone long term who is willing to help out around the place. In exchange for free accommodation.


Large ex bed and breakfast on one acre in the middle of a cattle property. Very peaceful place. Self contained units and separate communal kitchen to use. Plenty of space. Runs on solar and rain water. Big Spanish type structure hand made by one man over 28yrs. Local icon.
Large ex bed and breakfast on one acre in the middle of a cattle property. Very peaceful place. Self contained units and separate communal kitchen to use. Plenty of space. Runs on solar and rain water. Big Spanish type structure hand made by one man over 28yrs. Local icon.

Haus | In abgeschiedener Lage | Blick auf die Landschaft

Komfort und Luxus

Wohnfläche zwischen 150 und 500 m²
Garten mit einer Fläche zwischen 200 und 1000 m²
ein Stockwerk
4 Zimmer, davon 5 Schlafzimmer
Wohnfläche zwischen 150 und 500 m²
Garten mit einer Fläche zwischen 200 und 1000 m²
ein Stockwerk
4 Zimmer, davon 5 Schlafzimmer
Privater Garten
Arzt in der Nähe
In der Nähe einer Bahnstation
Mit dem Flugzeug erreichbar

Very quiet and peaceful. On a small hill in the middle of a cattle property.
Very quiet and peaceful. On a small hill in the middle of a cattle property.

Tourismus und Freizeit

Rubyvale is a very quiet small community. The main attraction here are the gems and locals and tourists still fossick for them. It is tourist season so extra things happening like the folk festival in June and Gemfest in August. Other local activities are Hoy, bingo, Quilters Club , Lapidary Club and Community garden. Also a tense court, local cafes, a small museum and library . Emerald is the closest larger town that has more attractions, shops and cinema.
Rubyvale is a very quiet small community. The main attraction here are the gems and locals and tourists still fossick for them. It is tourist season so extra things happening like the folk festival in June and Gemfest in August. Other local activities are Hoy, bingo, Quilters Club , Lapidary Club and Community garden. Also a tense court, local cafes, a small museum and library . Emerald is the closest larger town that has more attractions, shops and cinema.

Standort der Unterkunft

Über den Host

Queensland, Australia

Flexible Daten

2 Hunde

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Exakte Daten

2 Katzen - 1 Pferd

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Exakte Daten

1 Katze - 2 Hunde

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Flexible Daten

2 Katzen

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