
British Columbia, Canada

Veröffentlicht am 22.02.2024

Bedürfnisse und Tiere

Tiere hüten | Tiere mit besonderen Bedürfnissen | Gemüsegarten | 1 Hund

We would love to find a regular sitter for whom our home (and pup) would come to feel like their second home. We are retired and hoping to travel 3-4 times a year from 3 -6 weeks each time over the next few years. Since we live in a seaside village popular with tourists and within 2 hours of downtown Vancouver, this seems like a possible long-term goal. Our house sitters, whether one-time or repeating, are principally tasked with the care of our small dog and the security of the home. In growing season, there would be some watering duties, clearly spelled out, and an expectation that the vegetable garden, which is small, is kept weeded and in good order. We will have lawn care contracted out. Our dog is a 20 pound mixed breed approximately 2 years old. The first year of his life was spent on the streets of Tijuana. He is an excellent companion animal, but prone to be low energy in the initial days of our absence owing to strong attachment. He is easy in the house, likes to lay in the sun or be with his people in …
We would love to find a regular sitter for whom our home (and pup) would come to feel like their second home. We are retired and hoping to travel 3-4 times a year from 3 -6 weeks each time over the next few years. Since we live in a seaside village popular with tourists and within 2 hours of downtown Vancouver, this seems like a possible long-term goal. Our house sitters, whether one-time or repeating, are principally tasked with the care of our small dog and the security of the home. In growing season, there would be some watering duties, clearly spelled out, and an expectation that the vegetable garden, which is small, is kept weeded and in good order. We will have lawn care contracted out. Our dog is a 20 pound mixed breed approximately 2 years old. The first year of his life was spent on the streets of Tijuana. He is an excellent companion animal, but prone to be low energy in the initial days of our absence owing to strong attachment. He is easy in the house, likes to lay in the sun or be with his people in the garden, and barks at dogs who pass by if he is outside. He walks well on a leash but has not yet learned dog greeting skills - and may never - so it is necessary to cross the street or step off the path and distract him with treats if another dog is approaching. He prefers women to men so a single woman or a couple that includes at least one woman is essential to our needs. Important information: Once he warms up to you, he will expect to sleep with you. He is currently taking a low dose of anti-anxiety medication which we expect to wean him off of shortly as he continues to settle. We want our dog to be cared for and loved. The dog will want to go with you on occasions where that is possible. He can be left home alone for 6 hrs. He is fed once per day in the late afternoon and happily takes his medication at that time, poorly concealed in a piece of wiener. We will give particular consideration to applicants who have reviews posted on this site.

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Einzelheiten zu diesen Terminen

These dates are not yet firm and since we intend a camping trip we can be a bit flexible with regard to a day or two on either side. Ideally, we'd like to find someone who would be available for both this period and a three week absence from May 14 - June 8th 2024. For someone coming from overseas, this would offer approximately 20 days of freedom in between the two sits to travel to the Rockies or explore Vancouver Island, for example, before returning to Gibsons for a second sojourn.
These dates are not yet firm and since we intend a camping trip we can be a bit flexible with regard to a day or two on either side. Ideally, we'd like to find someone who would be available for both this period and a three week absence from May 14 - June 8th 2024. For someone coming from overseas, this would offer approximately 20 days of freedom in between the two sits to travel to the Rockies or explore Vancouver Island, for example, before returning to Gibsons for a second sojourn.


Two - level 2200 SF modern home with spectacular views of ocean, islands and Coast mountains. One-half acre fenced property with vegetable garden, bonfire ring, and large view deck. 20 minute walk to shops and services. 15 minute walk to swimming beaches.
Two - level 2200 SF modern home with spectacular views of ocean, islands and Coast mountains. One-half acre fenced property with vegetable garden, bonfire ring, and large view deck. 20 minute walk to shops and services. 15 minute walk to swimming beaches.

Haus | Dorf | Blick auf das Meer | Blick auf die Berge | Blick auf die Stadt

Gibsons is known for its arts scene, and there are more arts and music events than we can ever manage to take in. We have many friends living in the neighbourhood who can help connect you to the types of events that are of interest to you. We can also recommend some excellent recurring music events and the best local restaurants, breweries and markets.
Gibsons is known for its arts scene, and there are more arts and music events than we can ever manage to take in. We have many friends living in the neighbourhood who can help connect you to the types of events that are of interest to you. We can also recommend some excellent recurring music events and the best local restaurants, breweries and markets.

Komfort und Luxus

Wohnfläche zwischen 150 und 500 m²
Garten mit einer Fläche von mehr als 1000 m²
2 Stockwerke
9 Zimmer, davon 2 Schlafzimmer
Wohnfläche zwischen 150 und 500 m²
Garten mit einer Fläche von mehr als 1000 m²
2 Stockwerke
9 Zimmer, davon 2 Schlafzimmer
Zugang zum Internet
Privater Garten
Arzt in der Nähe
In der Nähe einer Bushaltestelle

Our home is in a peaceful area with little traffic. At night it is perfectly silent. Our home is furnished in a spare modern style but still feels cozy. With large windows on the view side of the house, it is bright and comfortable.
Our home is in a peaceful area with little traffic. At night it is perfectly silent. Our home is furnished in a spare modern style but still feels cozy. With large windows on the view side of the house, it is bright and comfortable.

Tourismus und Freizeit


there are lovely beaches to walk, a wonderful regional park full of trails less than one Km from our door, the seaside village of Gibsons Landing is a 25 minute walk and the centre of the commercial area, including a community centre, is a similar distance. Bus service gives access to the artsy enclave of Roberts Creek with a popular cafe, and to the larger city of Sechelt ( pop 10,000 ) which is 20 km away.
there are lovely beaches to walk, a wonderful regional park full of trails less than one Km from our door, the seaside village of Gibsons Landing is a 25 minute walk and the centre of the commercial area, including a community centre, is a similar distance. Bus service gives access to the artsy enclave of Roberts Creek with a popular cafe, and to the larger city of Sechelt ( pop 10,000 ) which is 20 km away.

Standort der Unterkunft

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft

Eve b.

Royère-de-Vassivière, France - Oktober 2022

Quelle peine de quitter Farley, le compagnon de ce séjour. C'est un chien Heureux, Curieux, Facile, Enjoué, Affectueux ... Il me faisait la fête chaque fois que je rentrais et s'endormait contre moi. En arrivant à la maison, j'ai même changé la photo de mon chat sur mon smartphone contre la sienne... (mais chut !) Vancouver est une ville fantastique et l'appartement lumineux, propre, avec une vue incroyable est situé de façon à pouvoir se rendre partout facilement : Downtown se trouve à deux stations de métro mais nous pouvons aussi le rejoindre à pieds en traversant le Cambie bridge ou en vélo avec les nombreuses stations près de l'immeuble Quant à Lisa Rae (Je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de connaître Randy) c'est une femme charmante et cela a été un plaisir de la rencontrer et d'échanger avec elle... d'autant plus qu'elle ne serait pas contre une garde partagée.

Sylvain b.

Colmar, France - Oktober 2018

Lisa and Randy were realy nice, and provided us with a welcoming and impeccable house. They gave us useful advice to take advantage of this fantastic area of Vancouver. They love their pets, Farley and Meekus, and we too, as they are so endearing.

Über den Host

British Columbia, Canada

von 8 bis 25 Apr. 24

Flexible Daten

1 Hund

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 2 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

Fotos von Lisa Rae Haus Lisa rae sucht einen
homesitter von:

8 apr 24 BIS 25 apr 24

Diese Daten sind flexibel

0-5 Bewerbungen erhalten
Angebot beendet

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Corsica, France

von 28 Sept. bis 4 Okt. 24

Exakte Daten

4 Katzen - 1 Hund

Pays de la Loire, France

von 19 Dez. bis 11 Jan. 25

Exakte Daten

1 Katze

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

von 28 Sept. bis 4 Okt. 24

Flexible Daten

1 Hund

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