
Ontario, Canada

Veröffentlicht am 10.03.2017

Bedürfnisse und Tiere

Tiere hüten | Viele Pflanzen | Großer Garten | Gemüsegarten | 1 Hund | 1 Katze | Nutztiere

Luc is a mix German Sheppard & Cane Corso, a big happy boy he usually run free on our property and keep everyone safe. He needs to be fed and he loves to cuddle. At night he sleeps in the house. Gaston the cat is allowed outdoor at sunrise and usually kept inside at night, to keep him safe. The chicken and ducks are low maintenance, just letting them out in the morning and locking them in at sunset. They give fresh eggs everyday.
Luc is a mix German Sheppard & Cane Corso, a big happy boy he usually run free on our property and keep everyone safe. He needs to be fed and he loves to cuddle. At night he sleeps in the house. Gaston the cat is allowed outdoor at sunrise and usually kept inside at night, to keep him safe. The chicken and ducks are low maintenance, just letting them out in the morning and locking them in at sunset. They give fresh eggs everyday.

Einzelheiten zu diesen Terminen

I am going to France visit my family during these dates. one or two days after and before is negotiable
I am going to France visit my family during these dates. one or two days after and before is negotiable


We live off grid in the Central Frontenac township, surrounded by lakes, trees, Canadian shields and wildlife. The house is a renovated log home, solar powered. We have chickens and ducks that gives us fresh eggs every morning, they share the property with Gaston the cat and Luc the dog. This is truly a very special place.
We live off grid in the Central Frontenac township, surrounded by lakes, trees, Canadian shields and wildlife. The house is a renovated log home, solar powered. We have chickens and ducks that gives us fresh eggs every morning, they share the property with Gaston the cat and Luc the dog. This is truly a very special place.

Haus | In abgeschiedener Lage | Blick auf den Wald | Blick auf die Landschaft

We have the best front porch, a great place to have coffee or a glass of wine during warm months. The house is also passive solar so during colder months you get plenty of sun to warm up in the living room nook with two giant windows with the best country view. Great walks and always something to look at outside. The kitchen is big with tools to make gourmet meals.
We have the best front porch, a great place to have coffee or a glass of wine during warm months. The house is also passive solar so during colder months you get plenty of sun to warm up in the living room nook with two giant windows with the best country view. Great walks and always something to look at outside. The kitchen is big with tools to make gourmet meals.

Komfort und Luxus

Wohnfläche zwischen 150 und 500 m²
Garten mit einer Fläche von mehr als 1000 m²
ein Stockwerk
4 Zimmer, davon 1 Schlafzimmer
Wohnfläche zwischen 150 und 500 m²
Garten mit einer Fläche von mehr als 1000 m²
ein Stockwerk
4 Zimmer, davon 1 Schlafzimmer
Zugang zum Internet

It is a very quiet life with nature and animals. We have electricity through the solar panels so keeping an eye on the batteries is necessary, you may have to turn the generator on to charge them if the weather is grey for more than two days. Like everyone around here our water comes from a well. You do need a car to get to the closest town, Arden is 11 km away in one direction (library & post office) and Tamworth 14km away in the other direction with grocery, hardware store and cafés. We moved to be as sustainable as much as possible and we are working towards a small carbon foot print.
It is a very quiet life with nature and animals. We have electricity through the solar panels so keeping an eye on the batteries is necessary, you may have to turn the generator on to charge them if the weather is grey for more than two days. Like everyone around here our water comes from a well. You do need a car to get to the closest town, Arden is 11 km away in one direction (library & post office) and Tamworth 14km away in the other direction with grocery, hardware store and cafés. We moved to be as sustainable as much as possible and we are working towards a small carbon foot print.

Tourismus und Freizeit

We have a few national and provincial and federal Parks around, you are welcome to our yearly pass. The Township of Central Frontenac is located at the southern tip of the Pre-Cambrian Shield and its geography reflects the transition from rich farmland to hard rock topography. The intersection of the two main highways in the region (Hwy 38 and Hwy 7) also serves as a trade or market transition zone for the area. At this point, the trading influence of Ottawa meets the trading range of the Golden Horseshoe as residents and visitors find a relaxing alternative to the 401. The major villages in Central Frontenac include Sharbot Lake, Parham, Arden, Tichborne, Godfrey, and Mountain Grove. The municipality is rich in lakes and other water bodies. Its spread across 1025 square kilometres (395.75 square miles) of unspoiled granite terrain, its rolling hills, winding roads, rippling waters and rugged terrain characterize this rural area and foster a traditional Canadian environment and lifestyle.
We have a few national and provincial and federal Parks around, you are welcome to our yearly pass. The Township of Central Frontenac is located at the southern tip of the Pre-Cambrian Shield and its geography reflects the transition from rich farmland to hard rock topography. The intersection of the two main highways in the region (Hwy 38 and Hwy 7) also serves as a trade or market transition zone for the area. At this point, the trading influence of Ottawa meets the trading range of the Golden Horseshoe as residents and visitors find a relaxing alternative to the 401. The major villages in Central Frontenac include Sharbot Lake, Parham, Arden, Tichborne, Godfrey, and Mountain Grove. The municipality is rich in lakes and other water bodies. Its spread across 1025 square kilometres (395.75 square miles) of unspoiled granite terrain, its rolling hills, winding roads, rippling waters and rugged terrain characterize this rural area and foster a traditional Canadian environment and lifestyle.

Standort der Unterkunft

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Laroque-des-Albères, France - Mai 2024

Merci à Isabelle et Brent pour s'être occupé de notre ménagerie … 2 chiens et 3-4 chats, ce n'est pas une mince affaire. Les chiens les ont adoptés tout de suite. Nous avons passé deux soirées très agréables en leur compagnie. Nous avons retrouvé une maison en ordre et propre. Nous recommandons Isabelle et Brent en toute confiance.

Ganaëlle G.

Liège, Belgium - September 2023

Ce fut un magnifique séjour dans la maison d'Isabelle et Brent! Luc le chien et Gaston le chat roux ont été d'incroyables compagnons, ainsi que toutes les petites poulettes et canards <3 La maison est paisible et magnifique et vivre entouré de tous ces animaux nous a rendus très très heureux! :) C'était également un plaisir de partager une journée avec Isabelle et Brent, on est ravis de les avoir rencontrés! A bientôt!

Corinne J.

Limoux, France - Januar 2019

Un très bon contact dès le début et une belle rencontre, Isabelle et son compagnons ont gardé notre maison pendant un mois et le home-sitting s'est très bien passé, ils sont tout simplement formidables, et amoureux des félins : nos 4 chats (ainsi que les poules) ont été bien choyés ! un grand merci et à bientôt !

Über den Host

Ontario, Canada

von 22 Mai bis 18 Juni 17

Exakte Daten

1 Katze - 1 Hund

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 8 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

Fotos von Isabelle H. Haus Isabelle h. sucht einen
homesitter von:

22 mai 17 BIS 18 juni 17

Exakte Daten

5-10 Bewerbungen erhalten
Angebot beendet

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Corsica, France

von 28 Sept. bis 4 Okt. 24

Exakte Daten

4 Katzen - 1 Hund

Pays de la Loire, France

von 19 Dez. bis 11 Jan. 25

Exakte Daten

1 Katze

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

von 28 Sept. bis 4 Okt. 24

Flexible Daten

1 Hund

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