
Quebec, Canada

Veröffentlicht am 10.05.2024

Bedürfnisse und Tiere

Tiere hüten | 3 Katzen

I have 3 cats, Purlie, Milo and Maurice. My cats are not shy, friendly and enjoy having guests. Purlie is a 14 old boy who loves kisses, food and drinking water from the shower. He’s a rescue who had a rough life so he can be grumpy sometimes. Sorry for the details, but as an old boy, he’s constipated so he needs specific food and constant access to water. Milo is 3 years old. He loves to play and eat. He’s super easy. He’s best friend with Maurice. Maurice is a rescue too. He’s 1 year old. I used to foster him as a kitten. Him and Milo were having so much fun together that i decided to keep him as part of our family. I’m looking for someone who knows how to take care of cats, who will be able to care for them, give them food, clean their litter, pet and play with them. I have an automatic litter box so litter cleaning won’t take too much of your time. I’m looking for someone who will be super respectful with my apartment. I put all of my heart in renovating and decorating this place, so i hope you’ll enjoy it as much as i …
I have 3 cats, Purlie, Milo and Maurice. My cats are not shy, friendly and enjoy having guests. Purlie is a 14 old boy who loves kisses, food and drinking water from the shower. He’s a rescue who had a rough life so he can be grumpy sometimes. Sorry for the details, but as an old boy, he’s constipated so he needs specific food and constant access to water. Milo is 3 years old. He loves to play and eat. He’s super easy. He’s best friend with Maurice. Maurice is a rescue too. He’s 1 year old. I used to foster him as a kitten. Him and Milo were having so much fun together that i decided to keep him as part of our family. I’m looking for someone who knows how to take care of cats, who will be able to care for them, give them food, clean their litter, pet and play with them. I have an automatic litter box so litter cleaning won’t take too much of your time. I’m looking for someone who will be super respectful with my apartment. I put all of my heart in renovating and decorating this place, so i hope you’ll enjoy it as much as i do! Ideally, I’d prefer solo female travelers, so my cats keep a similar experience: same energy, level of noise, level if activity etc.

Mit Google übersetzen

Einzelheiten zu diesen Terminen

These are the exact dates i’ll be out of my apartment, going on vacation. I’ll be back on 23rd in the morning
These are the exact dates i’ll be out of my apartment, going on vacation. I’ll be back on 23rd in the morning


Huge loft apartment right in the center of Montreal (downtown). Newly renovated (see the staged pictures post renovations;) ) and equipped with a security system, my apartment is definitely spacious, quiet and close to bars, restaurants, museums, stores etc.
Huge loft apartment right in the center of Montreal (downtown). Newly renovated (see the staged pictures post renovations;) ) and equipped with a security system, my apartment is definitely spacious, quiet and close to bars, restaurants, museums, stores etc.

Wohnung | Stadt | Blick auf die Stadt

My condo is one of a kind! I have a gym, a sauna, a fully equipped kitchen and has a Sonos system for music and TV. I have a wine cellar as well but unfortunately you won’t be allowed to touch it :)
My condo is one of a kind! I have a gym, a sauna, a fully equipped kitchen and has a Sonos system for music and TV. I have a wine cellar as well but unfortunately you won’t be allowed to touch it :)

Komfort und Luxus

Wohnfläche zwischen 150 und 500 m²
Garten mit weniger als 20 m²
2 Stockwerke
8 Zimmer, davon 2 Schlafzimmer
Wohnfläche zwischen 150 und 500 m²
Garten mit weniger als 20 m²
2 Stockwerke
8 Zimmer, davon 2 Schlafzimmer
Zugang zum Internet
Privater Garten
Arzt in der Nähe
In der Nähe einer Bushaltestelle
In der Nähe einer Bahnstation
In der Nähe einer U-Bahn-Haltestelle
Mit dem Flugzeug erreichbar

Tourismus und Freizeit


There is a lot to do and discover in Montreal, even during winter time!
There is a lot to do and discover in Montreal, even during winter time!

Standort der Unterkunft

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Paris, France - Oktober 2024

Elsa est l'amie qu'on rêverait tous d'avoir : gentille et fiable, elle m'a accueillie chaleureusement chez elle et m'a donné des explications claires, la communication a toujours été fluide. Son appartement est un havre de paix et il est très joliment décoré. Et bien que Montréal est une jolie ville à explorer, j'ai préféré profiter et rester dans son incroyable loft en compagnie des 3 chats. Ils ont chacun un caractère bien distinct : Purlie est calme ; Milo est le gourmand, et Maurice amène du mouvement et de la joie, je ne me suis pas ennuyée avec ces mignons et attachants chats. Merci infiniment pour ce merveilleux catsitting, j'ai adoré !


Courbevoie, France - Juli 2024

Elsa m'a accueillie de la meilleure manière qui soit et est toujours restée disponible pour répondre à mes interrogations durant mon séjour. Ses trois "petits" sont proches de l'humain et très attachants, et j'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à m'occuper d'eux. Merci encore pour ce séjour mémorable !

Marion J.

Torcy, France - April 2024

Merci beaucoup Elsa pour cette belle rencontre 💜 J’étais ravie de te rencontrer, de prendre soin de tes trois adorables chats et de ton super appartement. La ville de Montréal est tellement magnifique, ça me donne envie d’y vivre! Tout était chouette j’ai pris beaucoup de plaisir. L’appartement est à côté de tout les transports en commun et facile d’accès depuis l’aéroport. Elsa était là pour m’aider tout au long du séjour quand j’avais une question pour l’entretien de sa maison et de ses chats. Purlie, Maurice & Milo me manquent déjà ! Des bisous à tous les 4 😘

Über den Host

Quebec, Canada

von 8 bis 23 Juni 24

Exakte Daten

3 Katzen

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 4 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

Fotos von Elsa V. Haus Elsa v. sucht einen
homesitter von:

8 juni 24 BIS 23 juni 24

Exakte Daten

10+ Bewerbungen erhalten
Angebot beendet

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Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

von 21 bis 30 Okt. 24

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2 Hunde

Pays de la Loire, France

von 19 bis 26 Okt. 24

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1 Katze

Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

von 11 Dez. bis 1 Jan. 25

Flexible Daten

1 Katze

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