
Normandy, France

Veröffentlicht am 07.08.2024

Bedürfnisse und Tiere

Tiere hüten | Großer Garten | Gemüsegarten | 4 Katzen

The four cats are pretty independent but need feeding morning and evening and their water bowl topped up. They would appreciate cuddles. Priority given to those willing to pay bills for longer housesits
The four cats are pretty independent but need feeding morning and evening and their water bowl topped up. They would appreciate cuddles. Priority given to those willing to pay bills for longer housesits


Restored earth and timber framed house in the miiddle of the Normandy countryside. 6km from the nearest town - Saint Hilaire du Harcouet. Lovingly restored with natural and recycled materials - earth floor, straw and slip insulation and earth and lime renders. There are two large bedrooms and an open plan kitchen/lounge with French windows onto the garden. There is a forest garden/food garden on one hectare of land.
Restored earth and timber framed house in the miiddle of the Normandy countryside. 6km from the nearest town - Saint Hilaire du Harcouet. Lovingly restored with natural and recycled materials - earth floor, straw and slip insulation and earth and lime renders. There are two large bedrooms and an open plan kitchen/lounge with French windows onto the garden. There is a forest garden/food garden on one hectare of land.

Haus | In abgeschiedener Lage | Blick auf das Meer | Blick auf den Wald | Blick auf die Landschaft

There are two bicycles to use and there are lots of books on permaculture and sustainable living/alternative health.
There are two bicycles to use and there are lots of books on permaculture and sustainable living/alternative health.

Komfort und Luxus

Wohnfläche zwischen 50 und 150 m²
Garten mit einer Fläche von mehr als 1000 m²
2 Stockwerke
4 Zimmer, davon 2 Schlafzimmer
Zugang zum Internet
Wohnfläche zwischen 50 und 150 m²
Garten mit einer Fläche von mehr als 1000 m²
2 Stockwerke
4 Zimmer, davon 2 Schlafzimmer
Zugang zum Internet
Arzt in der Nähe
In der Nähe einer Bushaltestelle
In der Nähe einer Bahnstation

It is very quiet - rural location. There are French windows that look out onto the food garden, stone terrace and lawn. It is a 10 minute drive to the nearest town with bars and shops and a 20 minute cycle. The coast is half an hour away in the car. There are fruit bushes and wild food available in the garden. There is no television but there is high speed internet.
It is very quiet - rural location. There are French windows that look out onto the food garden, stone terrace and lawn. It is a 10 minute drive to the nearest town with bars and shops and a 20 minute cycle. The coast is half an hour away in the car. There are fruit bushes and wild food available in the garden. There is no television but there is high speed internet.

Tourismus und Freizeit


There are lots of interesting historic towns to visit nearby - Fougeres with its castle, Mont Saint Michel is half an hour away in the car. There are lots of cycle tracks - to the waterfalls of Mortain (2 hours on the bike) and other places. There are local markets on most days of the week. The coast is half an hour away in the car. There are beautiful coastal walks and beaches for swimming are about an hour away in the car.
There are lots of interesting historic towns to visit nearby - Fougeres with its castle, Mont Saint Michel is half an hour away in the car. There are lots of cycle tracks - to the waterfalls of Mortain (2 hours on the bike) and other places. There are local markets on most days of the week. The coast is half an hour away in the car. There are beautiful coastal walks and beaches for swimming are about an hour away in the car.

Standort der Unterkunft

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft

Hélène V.

Sète, France - August 2024

Quelle belle rencontre que celle de Liza et de ses quatre chats ! Liza m'a accueillie avec beaucoup de générosité à mon arrivée. Nous avons rapidement sympathisé et maintiendrons certainement le contact après ce séjour qui, dans les faits, a duré plus d'un mois au total. J'ai beaucoup apprécié le souci écologique de Liza qui a tout fait pour que sa maison soit respectueuse de la nature qui l'environne. Liza a aussi et surtout un grand coeur, et ses chats sont si câlins qu'on s'y attache très rapidement, y compris au plus ''sauvage'' d'entre eux, Wildcat, qui devient une boule de tendresse dès lors qu'on lui donne de l'amour. Pour finir, j'ajouterai que la maison de Liza est située dans un lieu très plaisant. J'ai beaucoup apprécié sa tranquillité comme sa proximité de la petite ville de St Hilaire du Harcouet avec toutes ses commodités. Enfin, la maison de Liza est à une demi-heure avant à peine d'une côte magnifique, celle qui s'étend entre la baie du Mont St Michel et les très belles falaises de Champeaux. C'est sans hésitation et avec grand plaisir que je répondrais à la demande de Liza si une nouvelle occasion se présentait.

Marjorie B.

Fontenay-sous-Bois, France - August 2023

Great experience !!! ♥ Liza warmly welcomed us at home around a good vegan meal. She is very nice, interresting, and she can speak french perfectly . Her house is a cosy traditional Norman straw clay house, ecological and environmentally friendly, away from the noise of the city and pleasantly lost in a huge wild garden filled with tons of plants and butterflies. You may be a little confused by the dry toilet if you are not used to it, but rest assured, we get used to it very quickly. His 4 cats are all very affectionate and very cuddly, and very easy to live. It was a big pleasure to meet them! Beautiful region, Normandy! ♥

Über den Host

Normandy, France

von 8 bis 15 Aug. 24

Exakte Daten

4 Katzen

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 3 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

Verfügbare Aufenthaltsangebote für diese Unterkunft:
Fotos von Liza S. Haus Liza s. sucht einen
homesitter von:

8 aug 24 BIS 15 aug 24

Exakte Daten

0-5 Bewerbungen erhalten
Angebot beendet

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Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

von 20 bis 28 Nov. 24

Flexible Daten

2 Katzen - 3 Hunde - 2 Pferde

England, United Kingdom

von 22 bis 29 Dez. 24

Exakte Daten

1 Katze - 1 Hund

Brittany, France

von 27 Dez. bis 2 Jan. 25

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2 Hunde

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