
Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

Veröffentlicht am 16.10.2018

Bedürfnisse und Tiere

Tiere hüten | Tiere mit besonderen Bedürfnissen | Gemüsegarten | 2 Hunde | 3 Katzen | 3 Pferde | Nagetiere | Nutztiere

We have a staffy and a fox terrier who enjoy following you around as the smallholding work goes on. The horses and sheep will need fresh hay everyday and their water checking. The pigs and chickens will need feeding too. Horses, pigs, dogs and cats all need lots of cuddles. Wood will need to chopped daily and any vegetables growing tended to. The wood fired system has some specific but not complicated information to be explained.
We have a staffy and a fox terrier who enjoy following you around as the smallholding work goes on. The horses and sheep will need fresh hay everyday and their water checking. The pigs and chickens will need feeding too. Horses, pigs, dogs and cats all need lots of cuddles. Wood will need to chopped daily and any vegetables growing tended to. The wood fired system has some specific but not complicated information to be explained.

Einzelheiten zu diesen Terminen

Our dates are not firm at all - we just want to find the right house sitters before we commit to our travel plans - We would prefer to make our travel for a month during Winter - so any time between November and March - this year or next
Our dates are not firm at all - we just want to find the right house sitters before we commit to our travel plans - We would prefer to make our travel for a month during Winter - so any time between November and March - this year or next


Rural, rustic, renovated French cottage with attached 5 Ha smallholding. The smallholding is right next to the forest with several other friendly French neighbours within walking distance. During Winter the home is run by a woodfired heating and hot water system (in the Summer by solar panels) - so Winter life here is very much connected to wood chopping, fire lighting and slow cooking on the stove. We do have decent wifi . We have a 2 year old Shire horse, a gypsy cob and a shetland, 2 pigs, a small flock of sheep, chickens, 2 dogs, 3 cats and a rat :-)
Rural, rustic, renovated French cottage with attached 5 Ha smallholding. The smallholding is right next to the forest with several other friendly French neighbours within walking distance. During Winter the home is run by a woodfired heating and hot water system (in the Summer by solar panels) - so Winter life here is very much connected to wood chopping, fire lighting and slow cooking on the stove. We do have decent wifi . We have a 2 year old Shire horse, a gypsy cob and a shetland, 2 pigs, a small flock of sheep, chickens, 2 dogs, 3 cats and a rat :-)

Haus | In abgeschiedener Lage | Blick auf den Wald

Komfort und Luxus

Wohnfläche zwischen 50 und 150 m²
Garten mit einer Fläche von mehr als 1000 m²
2 Stockwerke
4 Zimmer, davon 2 Schlafzimmer
Zugang zum Internet
Wohnfläche zwischen 50 und 150 m²
Garten mit einer Fläche von mehr als 1000 m²
2 Stockwerke
4 Zimmer, davon 2 Schlafzimmer
Zugang zum Internet
Privater Garten
Arzt in der Nähe
In der Nähe einer Bahnstation
Mit dem Flugzeug erreichbar

Very peaceful and quiet but Limoges is only 25 mins away and also lots of neighbouring small towns that have all needed provisions. It really is an amazing part of France..The Limousin. Plenty of Chateaus and also ancient roman history.
Very peaceful and quiet but Limoges is only 25 mins away and also lots of neighbouring small towns that have all needed provisions. It really is an amazing part of France..The Limousin. Plenty of Chateaus and also ancient roman history.

Tourismus und Freizeit


Standort der Unterkunft

Über den Host

Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

von 12 Nov. bis 1 März 19

Flexible Daten

3 Katzen - 2 Hunde - 3 Pferde

Dies ist der erste Aufenthalt dieses Eigentümers bei Nomador!

Ruth sucht einen
homesitter von:

12 nov 18 BIS 1 märz 19

Diese Daten sind flexibel

10+ Bewerbungen erhalten
Angebot beendet

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Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

von 20 bis 28 Nov. 24

Flexible Daten

2 Katzen - 3 Hunde - 2 Pferde

England, United Kingdom

von 22 bis 29 Dez. 24

Exakte Daten

1 Katze - 1 Hund

Brittany, France

von 27 Dez. bis 2 Jan. 25

Flexible Daten

2 Hunde

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