
Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

Veröffentlicht am 20.05.2020

Bedürfnisse und Tiere

Tiere hüten | Poolpflege | 6 Hunde | 5 Katzen | 1 Pferd | Fische | Vögel | Andere Tiere | Nutztiere

We have a chihuahua, Yorker, lurches, staffie x boxer, papillon, we need someone willing to look after wildlife as well as our pigs , parrot, dogs cats and birds of prey, we are a small non funded wildlife sanctuary, we rarely go away but try to get a couple of small breaks a year, we have 15 acres so dogs all walked on our land, you need to really like animals and country life, our home and life is completely geared up to the animals, despite a lot of animals not a lot of work, I ask you to feed water all animals and walK the dogs, I do all cleaning out of animals before I go, a friend does my horse,
We have a chihuahua, Yorker, lurches, staffie x boxer, papillon, we need someone willing to look after wildlife as well as our pigs , parrot, dogs cats and birds of prey, we are a small non funded wildlife sanctuary, we rarely go away but try to get a couple of small breaks a year, we have 15 acres so dogs all walked on our land, you need to really like animals and country life, our home and life is completely geared up to the animals, despite a lot of animals not a lot of work, I ask you to feed water all animals and walK the dogs, I do all cleaning out of animals before I go, a friend does my horse,

Einzelheiten zu diesen Terminen

Caravan available
Caravan available


Farm house, secluded setting with a lake and pool.
Farm house, secluded setting with a lake and pool.

Haus | In abgeschiedener Lage | Blick auf den Wald | Blick auf die Landschaft

Komfort und Luxus

Wohnfläche zwischen 50 und 150 m²
Garten mit einer Fläche von mehr als 1000 m²
2 Stockwerke
2 Zimmer, davon 1 Schlafzimmer
Wohnfläche zwischen 50 und 150 m²
Garten mit einer Fläche von mehr als 1000 m²
2 Stockwerke
2 Zimmer, davon 1 Schlafzimmer
Zugang zum Internet
Privater Garten
Arzt in der Nähe
In der Nähe einer Bahnstation
Mit dem Flugzeug erreichbar

Tranquille setting, full of wildlife, a lovely pool and comfortable but very cottage style home which is as you would expect very much our animals home to.
Tranquille setting, full of wildlife, a lovely pool and comfortable but very cottage style home which is as you would expect very much our animals home to.

Tourismus und Freizeit


Many chateaus , and places of interest, lovely local markets.
Many chateaus , and places of interest, lovely local markets.

Standort der Unterkunft

Über den Host

Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

Flexible Daten

5 Katzen - 6 Hunde - 1 Pferd

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Flexible Daten

1 Katze

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Exakte Daten

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Exakte Daten

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