
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Veröffentlicht am 12.07.2022

Bedürfnisse und Tiere

Tiere hüten | Tiere mit besonderen Bedürfnissen | Viele Pflanzen | Großer Garten | Poolpflege | 2 Katzen

The garden is watered automatically, the pump needs weekly attention. The pool and terrace need to be free of leaf debris. The pool needs some simple maintenance and the grass needs to be mowed. Everything is stored in the garden. There are pot plants that require water twice a week also. If you are known to kill plants or aren't a plant lover our house isn't for you. We have 2 Angora cats that come and go as they please and they're used to being fed twice a day. They're litter trained but use an area of the garden too. Please do not feed the ducks. This encourages them to swim in the pool not to mention the poo!
The garden is watered automatically, the pump needs weekly attention. The pool and terrace need to be free of leaf debris. The pool needs some simple maintenance and the grass needs to be mowed. Everything is stored in the garden. There are pot plants that require water twice a week also. If you are known to kill plants or aren't a plant lover our house isn't for you. We have 2 Angora cats that come and go as they please and they're used to being fed twice a day. They're litter trained but use an area of the garden too. Please do not feed the ducks. This encourages them to swim in the pool not to mention the poo!

Einzelheiten zu diesen Terminen

Notre date de départ est le 8 septembre. Nous n'avons pas encore décidé de notre retour, mais probablement le 26 ou le 27 septembre. Nous demandons à nos gardiens de maison d'arriver le soir avant notre départ.
Notre date de départ est le 8 septembre. Nous n'avons pas encore décidé de notre retour, mais probablement le 26 ou le 27 septembre. Nous demandons à nos gardiens de maison d'arriver le soir avant notre départ.


Our home has 3 bedrooms within a parklike garden. At the end of a cul de sac, our home is private and very quiet. Behind the front wall lies a private oasis along the banks of the Sorgue and 15 minutes walk to the center of town. Take your meals outdoors under the shade of cypress trees, beside the pool or indoors where the thick walls keep the interior cool. Kindly note our home is unsuitable for children. Minutes away from the center of the town you can enjoy the charm of the local antique stores, weekend markets, and a variety of beautiful homewares and specialty gift stores. There are great choices of restaurants, some along the water, and lots of attractions during the summer months. Free car parking in front of the house is possible.
Our home has 3 bedrooms within a parklike garden. At the end of a cul de sac, our home is private and very quiet. Behind the front wall lies a private oasis along the banks of the Sorgue and 15 minutes walk to the center of town. Take your meals outdoors under the shade of cypress trees, beside the pool or indoors where the thick walls keep the interior cool. Kindly note our home is unsuitable for children. Minutes away from the center of the town you can enjoy the charm of the local antique stores, weekend markets, and a variety of beautiful homewares and specialty gift stores. There are great choices of restaurants, some along the water, and lots of attractions during the summer months. Free car parking in front of the house is possible.

Haus | Dorf | Blick auf die Landschaft | Blick auf die Stadt

We are specifically looking for a retired couple to look after our home and cats. You'll have an eye for detail, enjoy looking after a garden and be house proud. You'll be familiar with swimming pool maintenance, an automatic watering system, able to clean various filters and mow the lawn if required.
We are specifically looking for a retired couple to look after our home and cats. You'll have an eye for detail, enjoy looking after a garden and be house proud. You'll be familiar with swimming pool maintenance, an automatic watering system, able to clean various filters and mow the lawn if required.

Komfort und Luxus

Wohnfläche zwischen 50 und 150 m²
Garten mit einer Fläche zwischen 200 und 1000 m²
ein Stockwerk
5 Zimmer, davon 3 Schlafzimmer
Wohnfläche zwischen 50 und 150 m²
Garten mit einer Fläche zwischen 200 und 1000 m²
ein Stockwerk
5 Zimmer, davon 3 Schlafzimmer
Zugang zum Internet
Privater Garten
Arzt in der Nähe
In der Nähe einer Bushaltestelle
In der Nähe einer Bahnstation
Mit dem Flugzeug erreichbar

It's 15-minute walk to great shopping, markets and all that you could possibly need so a car is not required at all. Decorated with comfort & style in mind, there's loads of place to relax & reflect. Isle sur la Sorgue is a wonderful town to explore the South of France, always something going on, bustling with activities, and loaded with restaurant choices. By car you are 15kms away from the Luberon, postcard-perfect and picturesque, each village is beautiful to visit. Visit in May to see the fields of red poppies, July to see the lavender fields and the entire summer to enjoy the wonderful local produce that this stunning region offers.
It's 15-minute walk to great shopping, markets and all that you could possibly need so a car is not required at all. Decorated with comfort & style in mind, there's loads of place to relax & reflect. Isle sur la Sorgue is a wonderful town to explore the South of France, always something going on, bustling with activities, and loaded with restaurant choices. By car you are 15kms away from the Luberon, postcard-perfect and picturesque, each village is beautiful to visit. Visit in May to see the fields of red poppies, July to see the lavender fields and the entire summer to enjoy the wonderful local produce that this stunning region offers.

Tourismus und Freizeit


Within a 30 minute drive discover picturesque Avignon and only 15 minutes away from the beauty of the Luberon, known for picture-perfect villages perched high up into the hills, lavender fields, quaint flea markets and fine dining. Mont Ventoux is ideal for hikes and you can discover many of the quaint towns surrounding this area such as Fontaine de Vaucluse. Travel further north and discover Orange, 40 minutes away or Aix en Provence is a 50-minute drive or travel on to Cassis, to sample the seafood at the port or take a boat rides and enjoy the spectacular Calanques views. Marseille, France's second-largest city is also 1hour drive and the Vieux Port undoubtedly makes for an excellent day out to promenade and see its lively energy.
Within a 30 minute drive discover picturesque Avignon and only 15 minutes away from the beauty of the Luberon, known for picture-perfect villages perched high up into the hills, lavender fields, quaint flea markets and fine dining. Mont Ventoux is ideal for hikes and you can discover many of the quaint towns surrounding this area such as Fontaine de Vaucluse. Travel further north and discover Orange, 40 minutes away or Aix en Provence is a 50-minute drive or travel on to Cassis, to sample the seafood at the port or take a boat rides and enjoy the spectacular Calanques views. Marseille, France's second-largest city is also 1hour drive and the Vieux Port undoubtedly makes for an excellent day out to promenade and see its lively energy.

Standort der Unterkunft

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft

Véronique M.

Angoulême, France - September 2022

Une adresse de charme au cœur d'une région magnifique ! Entre la présence très affectueuse de Roméo et Juliette qui demandent des câlins (et leur pâtée !), la quiétude du jardin au bord de la rivière et l'atmosphère chaleureuse de la maison très confortable et très bien équipée, le bien-être est total ! Comme un plaisir ne vient jamais seul Gabrielle et Olivier sont des hôtes charmants et spontanément accueillants... D'ailleurs je vais revenir !! Merci pour votre confiance.

Nelly m.

Annonay, France - Juni 2020

Superbe séjour dans la très belle maison de Gabrielle. Un havre de paix au cœur de la ville. J'ai pu travailler en toute sérénité, et s'occuper du jardin et de la terrasse est un pur bonheur. Juliette et Romeo sont absolument "gorgeous" et le plus dur a été de s'en séparer à la fin de mon séjour. Des câlins chaque matin et soir, des ronrons près de vous dès que vous vous asseyez, et le reste de temps, ils s'occupent dans le jardin. Magnifiques créatures à chouchouter ! Merci beaucoup Gabrielle de m'avoir offerte cette opportunité pour terminer mon livre, et merci pour vos précieux conseils. Au plaisir de vous croiser à nouveau sur mon chemin, et bonne chance pour votre activité !

Paul c.

Turin, Italy - Januar 2020

Pour la troisième fois cette année je suis allé garder la maison et les deux chats de Gabrielle à Salon de Provence. Il existe des maisons qui ont un charme naturel, celle de Gabrielle fait partie de cette catégorie. La maison avec son jardin de ville décorée chaleureusement par Gabrielle est accueillante et l'on s'y sent à son aise. Les chats sont toujours aussi élégants dans leurs manières à l'image de leur maitresse et ils ont la délicate attention de dormir avec vous pour que vous ne vous sentiez pas seul. Gabrielle a mis à ma disposition sa machine à coudre et Olivier son compte Netflix pour divertir mes soirées. Même la ville s'était enluminée pour les fêtes de fin d'année. J'ai encore passé un séjour formidable en Provence chez Gabrielle. Je la remercie. Paul C. For the third time this year I went to watch the house and Gabrielle’s two cats at Salon de Provence. There are houses that have a natural charm, that of Gabrielle is part of this category. The house with its city garden warmly decorated by Gabrielle is welcoming and one feels at home. Cats are always as elegant in their manners as their mistress and they have the delicate attention to sleep with you so that you do not feel lonely. Gabrielle has put at my disposal her sewing machine and Olivier his Netflix account to entertain my evenings. Even the city had illuminated itself for the christmas time. I had another wonderful stay in Provence at Gabrielle's home. I thank her. Paul C. Per la terza volta quest’anno sono andato a sorvegliare la casa e i due gatti di Gabrielle a Salon de Provence. Ci sono case che hanno un fascino naturale, quella di Gabrielle fa parte di questa categoria. La casa, con il suo giardino nel bel centro della città, arredata calorosamente da Gabrielle è accogliente e si ci sente a suo agio. I gatti sono sempre eleganti nei loro modo di essere a l'immagine di Gabrielle e di piu hanno la delicata attenzione di dormire con voi in modo che non vi sentiate soli. Gabrielle mi ha messo a disposizione la sua macchina da cucire e Olivier il suo conto Netflix per intrattenere le mie serate. Persino la città si era illuminata per le feste di fine anno. Grazie a Gabrielle ho trascorso un altro piacevole soggiorno in Provenza. La ringrazio. Paul C.

Über den Host

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

von 7 bis 27 Sept. 22

Exakte Daten

2 Katzen

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 18 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

Fotos von Gabrielle D. Haus Gabrielle d. sucht einen
homesitter von:

7 sept 22 BIS 27 sept 22

Exakte Daten

10+ Bewerbungen erhalten
Angebot beendet

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Fribourg, Switzerland

von 9 bis 30 Dez. 24

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6 Katzen

Berlin, Germany

von 19 Dez. bis 3 Jan. 25

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1 Katze

Vaud, Switzerland

von 15 bis 26 Dez. 24

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2 Katzen

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