
Stockholm County, Sweden

Veröffentlicht am 23.09.2024

Bedürfnisse und Tiere

Tiere hüten | 1 Hund | 1 Katze

Ollie is my 3-year-old Whippet. He’s very relaxed and quiet, so he doesn’t require much exercise—just a couple of short daily walks to keep him happy. Despite being calm, Ollie is incredibly affectionate and loves to cuddle. Since it will be winter, Ollie has a cozy coat that he needs to wear when going outside, so please help him stay warm during his walks. Rubick, my 11-year-old cat, is equally lovable. He doesn’t have any specific health issues, and he enjoys spending time with people. He’s the ultimate lap cat—he’ll hop on your lap and purr for hours if you let him! Both Ollie and Rubick are fed twice a day, and Ollie needs his two walks each day. Both pets are easy-going and will surely appreciate your care and company while I’m away.
Ollie is my 3-year-old Whippet. He’s very relaxed and quiet, so he doesn’t require much exercise—just a couple of short daily walks to keep him happy. Despite being calm, Ollie is incredibly affectionate and loves to cuddle. Since it will be winter, Ollie has a cozy coat that he needs to wear when going outside, so please help him stay warm during his walks. Rubick, my 11-year-old cat, is equally lovable. He doesn’t have any specific health issues, and he enjoys spending time with people. He’s the ultimate lap cat—he’ll hop on your lap and purr for hours if you let him! Both Ollie and Rubick are fed twice a day, and Ollie needs his two walks each day. Both pets are easy-going and will surely appreciate your care and company while I’m away.


Large, cute, and cozy apartment in the heart of Stockholm. Walking distance to everything. Subway 3min away from the flat.
Large, cute, and cozy apartment in the heart of Stockholm. Walking distance to everything. Subway 3min away from the flat.

Wohnung | Großstadt | Blick auf die Stadt

Komfort und Luxus

Wohnfläche von weniger als 50 m²
ein Stockwerk
2 Zimmer, davon 1 Schlafzimmer
Zugang zum Internet
Wohnfläche von weniger als 50 m²
ein Stockwerk
2 Zimmer, davon 1 Schlafzimmer
Zugang zum Internet
Arzt in der Nähe
In der Nähe einer Bushaltestelle
In der Nähe einer Bahnstation
In der Nähe einer U-Bahn-Haltestelle

Tourismus und Freizeit


Standort der Unterkunft

Über den Host

Stockholm County, Sweden

von 14 Dez. bis 2 Jan. 25

Exakte Daten

1 Katze - 1 Hund

Dies ist der erste Aufenthalt dieses Eigentümers bei Nomador!

Fotos von Pauline M. Haus Pauline m. sucht einen
homesitter von:

14 dez 24 BIS 2 jan 25

Exakte Daten

10+ Bewerbungen erhalten

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Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

von 22 bis 29 Dez. 24

Flexible Daten

3 Katzen - 2 Hunde

Normandy, France

von 27 März bis 13 Apr. 25

Exakte Daten

2 Katzen - 2 Hunde

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

von 15 bis 29 Dez. 24

Flexible Daten

3 Katzen - 2 Hunde

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