
England, United Kingdom

Veröffentlicht am 22.03.2018

Bedürfnisse und Tiere

Tiere hüten | 1 Katze

We adopted our cat, Santigold ('Santi') in Feb 2018. She is about one year old (we think!), and she's very easygoing and sociable. While she is fairly low maintenance, she loves having people around and that's why we'd prefer to have someone staying overnight when we're away. She loves to play but also loves a good snooze with some cuddles. We would just request feeding her twice a day and cleaning out her litter box about once a day. She's used to us coming in and out and can be left during the day, so no need to be around 24/7.
We adopted our cat, Santigold ('Santi') in Feb 2018. She is about one year old (we think!), and she's very easygoing and sociable. While she is fairly low maintenance, she loves having people around and that's why we'd prefer to have someone staying overnight when we're away. She loves to play but also loves a good snooze with some cuddles. We would just request feeding her twice a day and cleaning out her litter box about once a day. She's used to us coming in and out and can be left during the day, so no need to be around 24/7.

Einzelheiten zu diesen Terminen

Apologies for the last minute, but we really think you'll have a great time at our place over the Easter holiday :-)
Apologies for the last minute, but we really think you'll have a great time at our place over the Easter holiday :-)


We live in a 3-storey row house in a popular northeast London neighborhood. The house is very spacious (especially for London!) and has a large open living / kitchen area on the ground level; large guest room and small guest room/office with full bathroom on first floor; and master bedroom with ensuite bathroom on top floor. The house also has a small patio (enclosed), so the cat is free to go in and out through her cat flap.
We live in a 3-storey row house in a popular northeast London neighborhood. The house is very spacious (especially for London!) and has a large open living / kitchen area on the ground level; large guest room and small guest room/office with full bathroom on first floor; and master bedroom with ensuite bathroom on top floor. The house also has a small patio (enclosed), so the cat is free to go in and out through her cat flap.

Haus | Stadt | Blick auf die Stadt

We don't have a TV, but we have a very nice projector set-up for watching TV and movies against the wall (it is our preferred choice of entertainment now!). You can access the computer connected to it, and type in whatever you like to watch from online platforms. There is a Sonos speaker in every room, so you can control the music as you like. You would be welcome to use our bicycles (which we rely on very much in London!). In general, the house is very modern with great appliances and light space. The outdoor patio is very small, but at least provides some fresh air and green plants, and a small table for eating / drinking if weather permits!
We don't have a TV, but we have a very nice projector set-up for watching TV and movies against the wall (it is our preferred choice of entertainment now!). You can access the computer connected to it, and type in whatever you like to watch from online platforms. There is a Sonos speaker in every room, so you can control the music as you like. You would be welcome to use our bicycles (which we rely on very much in London!). In general, the house is very modern with great appliances and light space. The outdoor patio is very small, but at least provides some fresh air and green plants, and a small table for eating / drinking if weather permits!

Komfort und Luxus

Wohnfläche zwischen 50 und 150 m²
Garten mit weniger als 20 m²
3 Stockwerke
4 Zimmer, davon 3 Schlafzimmer
Wohnfläche zwischen 50 und 150 m²
Garten mit weniger als 20 m²
3 Stockwerke
4 Zimmer, davon 3 Schlafzimmer
Zugang zum Internet
Privater Garten
Arzt in der Nähe
In der Nähe einer Bushaltestelle
In der Nähe einer U-Bahn-Haltestelle

The area is generally known for its good restaurants and pubs, young and hip yet family friendly vibe, and plenty of access to green space and parks nearby. There is a small park just across the road, and a farmer's market on Saturdays. There is another street about 10 minute-walk that has many shops and boutiques. There are many bus options; the overground train is about a 10-minute walk. The house itself is fairly quiet given its central location and proximity to a main road, but there is a police station one street over, and they occasionally drive down our road with sirens.
The area is generally known for its good restaurants and pubs, young and hip yet family friendly vibe, and plenty of access to green space and parks nearby. There is a small park just across the road, and a farmer's market on Saturdays. There is another street about 10 minute-walk that has many shops and boutiques. There are many bus options; the overground train is about a 10-minute walk. The house itself is fairly quiet given its central location and proximity to a main road, but there is a police station one street over, and they occasionally drive down our road with sirens.

Tourismus und Freizeit


There is plenty to discover from our neighbourhood including many great restaurants (famous Turkish, Indian, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Israeli, Mediterranean and tapas). As with most of London, there are some very charming pubs and also cocktail bars in the area, including live music. The high street has lots of shops, boutiques, health food stores, art galleries, and ... more restaurants! There are several great parks within walking distance, as well as a range of outdoor activities (climbing gyms, River Lea, canal walks). Easy access to even 'trendier' parts of London known for nightlife (Dalston, Shoreditch) and around 30min to central London and main tourist attractions.
There is plenty to discover from our neighbourhood including many great restaurants (famous Turkish, Indian, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Israeli, Mediterranean and tapas). As with most of London, there are some very charming pubs and also cocktail bars in the area, including live music. The high street has lots of shops, boutiques, health food stores, art galleries, and ... more restaurants! There are several great parks within walking distance, as well as a range of outdoor activities (climbing gyms, River Lea, canal walks). Easy access to even 'trendier' parts of London known for nightlife (Dalston, Shoreditch) and around 30min to central London and main tourist attractions.

Standort der Unterkunft

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft

Sylvie G.

Caen, France - Mai 2018

Je suis venue avec plaisir pour la seconde fois prendre soin de Santi, un amour de petit chat. Santi m'a reconnue alors notre communication a été instantanée. Quant à ses maîtres, ils m'ont fait confiance. Comme prévu, ils n'étaient pas chez eux à mon arrivée, mais un ami est venu m'accueillir. Ma chambre très confortable était prête. Toutes les conditions étaient réunies pour que je passe un excellent séjour avec Santi. Je remercie Katie et Nicolas, et je ferai mon possible pour être disponible une autre fois. Bien sûr je les recommande sans aucune hésitation.

Sylvie G.

Caen, France - April 2018

Quelle belle première expérience ! J'ai fait une jolie rencontre grâce à Nomador. Je remercie Katie et Nicolas mes hôtes pour leur accueil, leur gentillesse et la confiance qu'ils m'ont accordée. Confier son animal de compagnie, sa maison à une personne que l'on connait si peu est une grande preuve d'ouverture d'esprit et de confiance. J'ai été très bien logée et informée de toutes les commodités. Tout était parfait. Quant à Santi, un amour de jeune chatte, elle m'a donné beaucoup de joie. Si elle s'est montrée un peu méfiante les premiers jours, elle me suivait partout les derniers jours et venait dormir soir et matin sur mon lit, un vrai signe d'affection de sa part. Je lui parlais beaucoup en français et en anglais (elle est bilingue !), je lui racontais mes journées, je jouais avec elle, je la caressais. Bien sûr, j'en ai profité pour visiter Londres, mais j'avais à cœur de prendre soin de Santi avec bienveillance et affection comme si c'était mon chat, et elle me l'a bien rendu. Je me suis sentie utile et je n'ai que des bons souvenirs de cette première expérience. Merci Santi, Katie et Nicolas. Expérience à renouveler avec plaisir et bien sûr je recommande ces hôtes.

Über den Host

England, United Kingdom

von 28 März bis 1 Apr. 18

Exakte Daten

1 Katze

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 2 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

Fotos von Kathryn S. Haus Kathryn s. sucht einen
homesitter von:

28 märz 18 BIS 1 apr 18

Exakte Daten

10+ Bewerbungen erhalten
Angebot beendet

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Corsica, France

von 28 Sept. bis 4 Okt. 24

Exakte Daten

4 Katzen - 1 Hund

Pays de la Loire, France

von 19 Dez. bis 11 Jan. 25

Exakte Daten

1 Katze

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

von 28 Sept. bis 4 Okt. 24

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1 Hund

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