Isle of Canna

Scotland, United Kingdom

Veröffentlicht am 24.06.2022

Bedürfnisse und Tiere

Tiere hüten | Tiere mit besonderen Bedürfnissen | 2 Hunde | Nutztiere

Looking for someone to look after my 2 dogs and 3 chickens while I'm on holiday. Mara is a very friendly rottweiler, 9yrs old and loves gentle walks, eating and lying on the couch for cuddles with her humans. She is a very easy dog! Pippin is a 5yr old, high energy rescue from Romania. She is very sweet dog who loves all the attention and cuddles you can give her. Asca thank you, she will cover you in kisses and hair! As a rescue, she has issues with reactivity, especially around other dogs, so does need an experienced hand to keep her in line. But being a tiny island, it's easy to walk without seeing another soul! The chickens are as wild as chickens get, roaming the shore and fields near by. They do still need fed twice a day and their coops cleaned regularly. They do lay delicious eggs, if you can find them!
Looking for someone to look after my 2 dogs and 3 chickens while I'm on holiday. Mara is a very friendly rottweiler, 9yrs old and loves gentle walks, eating and lying on the couch for cuddles with her humans. She is a very easy dog! Pippin is a 5yr old, high energy rescue from Romania. She is very sweet dog who loves all the attention and cuddles you can give her. Asca thank you, she will cover you in kisses and hair! As a rescue, she has issues with reactivity, especially around other dogs, so does need an experienced hand to keep her in line. But being a tiny island, it's easy to walk without seeing another soul! The chickens are as wild as chickens get, roaming the shore and fields near by. They do still need fed twice a day and their coops cleaned regularly. They do lay delicious eggs, if you can find them!

Einzelheiten zu diesen Terminen

I am away from the 4th - 20th of July, but can be slightly flexible on dates either way.
I am away from the 4th - 20th of July, but can be slightly flexible on dates either way.


Refurbished highland cottage that sits right on the shore. All mod cons. Wood-burning stove. Kayaks and a bike free for use.
Refurbished highland cottage that sits right on the shore. All mod cons. Wood-burning stove. Kayaks and a bike free for use.

Haus | In abgeschiedener Lage | Blick auf das Meer | Blick auf die Berge | Blick auf den Wald | Blick auf die Landschaft

I have various musical instruments for use. A library of books, wifi, TV, all mod cons, bike, kayaks with gear...
I have various musical instruments for use. A library of books, wifi, TV, all mod cons, bike, kayaks with gear...

Komfort und Luxus

Wohnfläche zwischen 150 und 500 m²
Garten mit einer Fläche von mehr als 1000 m²
ein Stockwerk
3 Zimmer, davon 1 Schlafzimmer
Wohnfläche zwischen 150 und 500 m²
Garten mit einer Fläche von mehr als 1000 m²
ein Stockwerk
3 Zimmer, davon 1 Schlafzimmer
Zugang zum Internet
Privater Garten

The island is remote and very small, with a population of just 18. It's accessed by ferry from Mallaig 6 times a week (no ferries on Tuesday or Thursday). There is a tiny but well stocked community shop and other groceries can be ordered from the mainland (all details will be provided). No visitor cars are permitted on the island but my vehicle will be available for use, as well as my bike and kayaks. There are no medical services on island, but these can be accessed easily if required, and emergency service is by helicopter! There is a cafe which is open for lunches and evening meals, and if any sitter was looking for some extra cash, there might be some shifts going! There are some lovely beaches and bonfires and swimming is a favourite passtime. Musicians are very very welcome! If you love dogs and peace and quiet, this is the place for you!
The island is remote and very small, with a population of just 18. It's accessed by ferry from Mallaig 6 times a week (no ferries on Tuesday or Thursday). There is a tiny but well stocked community shop and other groceries can be ordered from the mainland (all details will be provided). No visitor cars are permitted on the island but my vehicle will be available for use, as well as my bike and kayaks. There are no medical services on island, but these can be accessed easily if required, and emergency service is by helicopter! There is a cafe which is open for lunches and evening meals, and if any sitter was looking for some extra cash, there might be some shifts going! There are some lovely beaches and bonfires and swimming is a favourite passtime. Musicians are very very welcome! If you love dogs and peace and quiet, this is the place for you!

Tourismus und Freizeit

The Isle of Canna is a magical little island. It's very quiet with just one track and residents vehicles only. The sounds are 99% nature doing it's thing. The island is a haven for wildlife, particularly seabirds and eagles, and there is an incredible amount of archaeology and cultural history to indulge in. It has a very hardy and progressive tiny community of 18 souls, who run everything from businesses to the community shop and the community owned renewable energy system. The island has a way of seeping into your soul and will be an experience you won't forget!
The Isle of Canna is a magical little island. It's very quiet with just one track and residents vehicles only. The sounds are 99% nature doing it's thing. The island is a haven for wildlife, particularly seabirds and eagles, and there is an incredible amount of archaeology and cultural history to indulge in. It has a very hardy and progressive tiny community of 18 souls, who run everything from businesses to the community shop and the community owned renewable energy system. The island has a way of seeping into your soul and will be an experience you won't forget!

Standort der Unterkunft

Über den Host

Scotland, United Kingdom

von 1 bis 20 Juli 22

Flexible Daten

2 Hunde

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits einen Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

Fotos von Fiona H. Haus Fiona h. sucht einen
homesitter von:

1 juli 22 BIS 20 juli 22

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0-5 Bewerbungen erhalten
Angebot beendet

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Normandy, France

von 26 Okt. bis 4 Nov. 24

Exakte Daten

1 Katze

Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

von 18 bis 30 Dez. 24

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3 Hunde

Pays de la Loire, France

von 18 bis 22 Okt. 24

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1 Katze - 1 Hund

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