
Washington, United States

Veröffentlicht am 16.08.2024

Bedürfnisse und Tiere

Tiere hüten | 2 Hunde

Our two dogs need to be walked daily and cuddled
Our two dogs need to be walked daily and cuddled


Our house is perfectly located close to the center of Seattle, comfy and welcoming
Our house is perfectly located close to the center of Seattle, comfy and welcoming

Haus | Stadt | Blick auf die Stadt

Komfort und Luxus

Wohnfläche zwischen 50 und 150 m²
Garten mit einer Fläche zwischen 20 und 200 m²
ein Stockwerk
4 Zimmer, davon 2 Schlafzimmer
Wohnfläche zwischen 50 und 150 m²
Garten mit einer Fläche zwischen 20 und 200 m²
ein Stockwerk
4 Zimmer, davon 2 Schlafzimmer
Zugang zum Internet
Privater Garten
Arzt in der Nähe
In der Nähe einer Bushaltestelle
In der Nähe einer Bahnstation
In der Nähe einer U-Bahn-Haltestelle
Mit dem Flugzeug erreichbar

In Seattle, the atmosphere is unique and so far removed from other urban centers in the country that it has had to develop its own culture. Resting between Puget Sound and Lake Washington, top outdoor activities include kayaking, hiking, and camping. Not to mention the proximity to the Olympic Mountains and the giant Mount Rainier which are visible from many spots in the city.
In Seattle, the atmosphere is unique and so far removed from other urban centers in the country that it has had to develop its own culture. Resting between Puget Sound and Lake Washington, top outdoor activities include kayaking, hiking, and camping. Not to mention the proximity to the Olympic Mountains and the giant Mount Rainier which are visible from many spots in the city.

Tourismus und Freizeit


In Seattle, the atmosphere is unique and so far removed from other urban centers in the country that it has had to develop its own culture. Resting between Puget Sound and Lake Washington, top outdoor activities include kayaking, hiking, and camping. Not to mention the proximity to the Olympic Mountains and the giant Mount Rainier which are visible from many spots in the city.
In Seattle, the atmosphere is unique and so far removed from other urban centers in the country that it has had to develop its own culture. Resting between Puget Sound and Lake Washington, top outdoor activities include kayaking, hiking, and camping. Not to mention the proximity to the Olympic Mountains and the giant Mount Rainier which are visible from many spots in the city.

Standort der Unterkunft

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft

linda C.

Marseille, France - November 2024

Randel has a nice home with nice dogs, thanks for letting me take care of them

Über den Host

Washington, United States

von 22 Okt. bis 3 Nov. 24

Exakte Daten

2 Hunde

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits einen Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

Fotos von Randel L. Haus Randel l. sucht einen
homesitter von:

22 okt 24 BIS 3 nov 24

Exakte Daten

0-5 Bewerbungen erhalten
Angebot beendet

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Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

von 19 bis 27 Nov. 24

Flexible Daten

1 Katze - 2 Hunde

Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

von 7 bis 10 Dez. 24

Flexible Daten

1 Katze - 2 Hunde

Occitanie, France

von 29 Nov. bis 5 Jan. 25

Exakte Daten

2 Hunde

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