
Wisconsin, United States

Veröffentlicht am 18.11.2023

Bedürfnisse und Tiere

Tiere hüten | 1 Hund

I have a Australian Cattle Dog mix, who will need to be cared for (taken out for walks several times a day, fed, played with) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Simple cleaning and some basic home upkeep (including snow removal/shoveling in winter) will also be required. I will be at the house with you on Fridays-Mondays, generally. You will have your own bedroom (on the main floor) and your own bathroom (the bathroom is on the lower level (basement)) and access to the shared living spaces (living room, kitchen, and yard).
I have a Australian Cattle Dog mix, who will need to be cared for (taken out for walks several times a day, fed, played with) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Simple cleaning and some basic home upkeep (including snow removal/shoveling in winter) will also be required. I will be at the house with you on Fridays-Mondays, generally. You will have your own bedroom (on the main floor) and your own bathroom (the bathroom is on the lower level (basement)) and access to the shared living spaces (living room, kitchen, and yard).

Einzelheiten zu diesen Terminen

I need assistance with dog and home care for the entire year of 2024 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. You do not need to be on site Fridays-Mondays, if you would like to leave to take long weekend trips -- Chicago is less than two hours away.
I need assistance with dog and home care for the entire year of 2024 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. You do not need to be on site Fridays-Mondays, if you would like to leave to take long weekend trips -- Chicago is less than two hours away.


Well-kept house with landscaped yard in a safe and friendly neighborhood, several parks nearby to walk to.
Well-kept house with landscaped yard in a safe and friendly neighborhood, several parks nearby to walk to.

Haus | Stadt | Blick auf die Stadt

Komfort und Luxus

Wohnfläche zwischen 150 und 500 m²
Garten mit einer Fläche zwischen 20 und 200 m²
3 Stockwerke
7 Zimmer, davon 3 Schlafzimmer
Wohnfläche zwischen 150 und 500 m²
Garten mit einer Fläche zwischen 20 und 200 m²
3 Stockwerke
7 Zimmer, davon 3 Schlafzimmer
Zugang zum Internet
Arzt in der Nähe
In der Nähe einer Bushaltestelle

Quiet city home in a safe neighborhood with a yard and deck (patio). 15 minute car ride to downtown Milwaukee. Several bus stops are within a 10-12 minute walk. Several parks nearby to walk to. Many city amenities and stores nearby.
Quiet city home in a safe neighborhood with a yard and deck (patio). 15 minute car ride to downtown Milwaukee. Several bus stops are within a 10-12 minute walk. Several parks nearby to walk to. Many city amenities and stores nearby.

Tourismus und Freizeit


The city of Milwaukee is a Midwestern town with a blue-collar (working class) vibe. Even though Milwaukee is a somewhat smaller-sized city, we have excellent museums, performing arts, and professional sports teams. It is an affordable city and there are always many events going on. Milwaukee is on a very, very large (Great) lake - Lake Michigan. My favorite thing to do is go for walks along the beautiful lakeside. There are so many walking paths, parks, beaches, and other natural areas to enjoy here!
The city of Milwaukee is a Midwestern town with a blue-collar (working class) vibe. Even though Milwaukee is a somewhat smaller-sized city, we have excellent museums, performing arts, and professional sports teams. It is an affordable city and there are always many events going on. Milwaukee is on a very, very large (Great) lake - Lake Michigan. My favorite thing to do is go for walks along the beautiful lakeside. There are so many walking paths, parks, beaches, and other natural areas to enjoy here!

Standort der Unterkunft

Über den Host

Wisconsin, United States

von 9 Nov. bis 21 Dez. 24

Flexible Daten

1 Hund

Dies ist der erste Aufenthalt dieses Eigentümers bei Nomador!

Rea sucht einen
homesitter von:

1 jan 24 BIS 21 dez 24

Diese Daten sind flexibel

0-5 Bewerbungen erhalten

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Occitanie, France

von 10 bis 23 Nov. 24

Exakte Daten

1 Hund

Occitanie, France

von 22 bis 29 Dez. 24

Flexible Daten

2 Katzen - 3 Hunde - 2 Pferde

Occitanie, France

von 1 bis 9 Feb. 25

Exakte Daten

2 Katzen

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