Danila m.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Über Danila m.

68 Jahre alt | Travel consultant

"They did a fantastic job looking after our 2 dogs and cat, as well as watering our garden and keeping the house in tip top order. I cannot recommend them both highly enough and would have them back in a heartbeat if they were ever back in New Zealand." Stephen & Karen, Auckland, New Zealand. 2016.
Hello, we're Danila and Chris, both English, and have been travelling since we sold and left our 20 year home in San Jose, California in November 2013. As well as working on volunteer projects, we also house-sit in local communities. (Check out our blog Notdunroamin for more details!) We enjoy making a life, if only briefly, in the places we stay, and part of that is the temporary addition of pets back into our lives.
We've looked after both dogs and cats in California, New Zealand and Australia, and are location-independent.
We enjoy city life, and the outdoors too. We're looking forward to meeting interesting people and seeing interesting places.
Why we want to house sit
We really enjoy becoming a part of the local community in the places we visit, and love having pets in our lives. For us, this is one of the best parts of travelling.
Our experience
We have been responsible homeowners for a combined total of over 70 years! We are non-smokers. We have owned homes separately and together in both England and California. Chris is a competent DIY-er and Danila has always enjoyed gardening. We understand the importance of maintaining your home - possibly your biggest asset.
Your pets are your family, and giving you peace of mind while you're away is important to us. We enjoy their company and can provide the necessary love, care and attention. Chris had dogs, cats and reptiles in his youth, and together we brought our 12-yr old cat from UK to US, where she enjoyed her last 5 years.
We've had many enjoyable experiences house and pet-sitting, including taking care of two elderly cats in California, one of whom needed liquid medication every evening - I'm glad to say that Miles didn't mind too much! We were also adopted by two delightful Spoodles in Auckland, New Zealand. While travelling in Australia during 2016, we enjoyed two periods of housesitting, with a lovely dog and cat in Cairns, and two delightful dogs in Brisbane.
We became naturalized US citizens in 2003, and as a part of that process the US government & FBI conducted general and criminal background checks. We also have an independent background check.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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