Lewis g.

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Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Über Lewis g.

38 Jahre alt | Carpenter

We are a couple in our early thirties. My wife and I both have our own businesses which we can work on remotely so long as we have an internet connection (Ahhh the joys of a connected world!). My background is as a carpenter and my wife would describe me as her personal handy man, constantly in demand to fix all the broken things around the house and to build + bring to life all the ideas that come out of her head!

Growing up on a farm in rural New Zealand means looking after animals is second nature to my wife and I, whether that be horses, cows, sheep, chickens and of course our beloved cats and dogs! We are also handy in the garden and I especially love tending to vegetable gardens while my wife has a better eye for creative gardening. We are both fit, strong and healthy are not afraid of putting our abilities to good use around the property.

Our shared passion for travel has taken us on many adventures the world over, but we prefer to travel slowly, spending extended periods in one place so we can get to know the locals, the culture, the best food spots and experience a new or different way of life. This is why we love house sitting and have had arguably some of our most memorable times together house sitting in Australia, New Zealand, USA and Canada.

While our lifestyle right now doesn't permit us to have animals of our own we would love the opportunity to treat yours like family and call your house home while you're away!

Warmest regards,

Lewis and Danielle

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Danielle, 37 Jahre alt, Self employed business consultant, Ehepartner / Partner

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