Erica g.

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Normal, Illinois, United States

Über Erica g.

33 Jahre alt | Artist

We are Erica (27) and Kendall (27) Gilliam, an American couple who have been married for 9 years. Erica is a watercolor artist and online publisher. Kendall works as a videographer and photographer, while also attending school online for Environmental Science. Together we homeschool our daughter, Marie (6).

We are super easy going individuals who love to hike and explore the outdoors, as well as stay in and be creative. We are a fairly low-maintenance family that doesn't need much more than a connection to the internet to get by.

Living in the Midwest, both of us have been around animals most of our lives, from family farms to personal pets. Growing up in an old farmhouse, Erica had dozens of cats, several dogs, rabbits, and more. Because of our upbringing, we both understand the responsibility involved in caring for a home and any animal companions.

We are available for any questions you may have and have references available for you upon request that speak to our reliability and character.

We will love and care for your home, plants, and animals as if they were our own.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Kendall, 33 Jahre alt, Videographer & Photographer, Ehepartner / Partner
Marie, 12 Jahre alt, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

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