Brianne p.

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Portland, Oregon, United States


Über Brianne p.

38 Jahre alt | Director of Executive Services

Hello!! I am a creative travelling through Europe to experience an array of cultures and communities during October 2018 through December 2018.

I am a business owner who specializes in Executive Services and Online Marketing Management.
I have 2 amazing step-children, and am a new grandmother to a beautiful baby girl. I am also owned by 2 quirky fur children, my silly black cat, Spectre and one-eyed Lhasa Apso, Kumar.

I have extensive experience pet/house-sitting for friends and family in the US and am able to provide references upon request. I hope to have an opportunity to care for your pets and your home and look forward to speaking with you.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Brian, 49 Jahre alt, Fiberglass Technician, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Nora o.

Cork, Ireland - Januar 2020

Brianne and Brian were excellent house-sitters. They loved our cat, and she clearly loved them! It was especially nice of them to have prepared a meal for us on our arrival home, tired after our trip. Brian(ne) have expressed a wish to come back to West Cork (next time in the summer!); they would certainly be very welcome here!

Februar 2019

Brianna and Brian were great to have here minding the hostel for us. No hassle what so ever. We have a very busy life here with the hostel and when we go on holiday we need to switch off. So, it was great to finally have some one you can depend on to do the right thing and think on there feet. We have had people here before minding the place that would ring every time they needed to switch on a light so it was nice to know that they could figure most things out with out any trouble. Very nice couple to deal with and they really liked what they do. I would have no problem what so ever recommending them to house sit for just about anyone. Thanks again Brianna and Brian. Until next year ????

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