Clair f.

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Troon, Scotland, United Kingdom

Über Clair f.

40 Jahre alt | entrepreneur, Home based Health and Wellness business and blogger/vlogger

Hi we are the Prydes. Their is actually 6 of us. We have 4 children, the 2 missing in our profile right now are Michael who is 8 and Thea who is 2. Our other children are Liam 13 and Ricky 11. Richard is a music producer and i am a full time career for my 11 year old who is Autistic but also just starting my own Health and Wellness business as well as starting our own family travel website, which is currently under maintinenss. We are also just in the process of starting our own youtube channel where we will be posting vlogs from our travels. We love traveling with the kids and are firm believers that the best education available is through life and travel. We also have plans to buy a bus next year and convert it to a motor home to enable us to either travel more or full time. We all love animals so much! I was brought up with cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, birds, fish, hamsters and i also use to help out a lot at the stables when i was younger. Richard was also brought with cat, something her really misses having and absolutely loves cats. Unfortunately tho when Thea came along she was really allergic to our cats, also our dogs hair and saliva really set her eczema off. This meant that unfortunately when she was 6 months old we were moving and we had to make the hard decision to give the animals to loving new homes. 18 months down the line and her allergies are almost all gone apart from her nut allergy. As the animals are all settled we really didnt want to move them plus we realized that it wouldn't be fair as we have decided to travel more and possibly full time. Thats when we thought that pet/house sitting would be perfect as both ourselfs and the kids will get time to spend keeping someones pets happy and hopefully help them feel more at ease when away and at the same time helps us see more of this beautiful planet

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Meine Reisebegleiter
richard, 36 Jahre alt, music producer, Ehepartner / Partner
liam, 19 Jahre alt, student, Kind
ricky, 14 Jahre alt, student, Kind

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