Ana p.

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Otego, New York, United States

Über Ana p.

36 Jahre alt | Yacht Stewardess/Housesitter

(copy/pasted from Please Read through my profile and references!
About Ana

** Please see my personal housesitting website here: ***

Hello! My name is Ana and I am a 30 year old, free-spirited, travel-obsessed aspiring writer/content creator, and I am currently looking for housesitting opportunities throughout 2018! After saving some money so that I can have the space, time and freedom to focus on my dream of creating my travel & lifestyle brand, I am looking to settle into finding a housesitting position!! As a professional yacht stewardess of 5 years, and an experienced housesitter, you can expect that your home will be in good hands, and maintained in the highest of standards!! I will be available throughout 2018, and am happy to relocate anywhere, as necessary! Please check out my brief video, photos featuring animals from around the world, my references and more detailed info in my profile below!

Why I want to house sit

I would love an opportunity to take a break from my hectic travels and temporarily base in one location for a bit as a house sitter! Because I live on the yachts while I am in working, it does not make sense for me to invest in an apartment. My lifestyle as a freelancer and a traveller requires me to find short term solutions for accommodation, and house sitting is the perfect answer for my situation!

Also, I like the idea of helping fellow travelers- I know the stress of leaving home, and would be sure to put a homeowners' mind at ease! I manage the interior of yachts on a daily basis while working, and would bring the same level of care to any home in which I would stay!

Having the opportunity to settle in one place for a little while would also give me a sense of home that I truly miss while traveling. Being a companion for pets, having a little peace and quiet, having some free time to myself- these are all things that I cannot enjoy while working and traveling. I love my job, but it's the little things like this that also have pushed me toward finding house sitting positions!

Another major reason as to why I am on the search for assignments: I am in the process of building a website and youtube channel. My mission for a long time has been to travel the world and spread good vibes along the way- I am shifting my focus more toward helping others to realize that they can do the same- to do anything that they put their mind to for

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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