Zebulon g.

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Portland, Oregon, United States

Über Zebulon g.

30 Jahre alt | Travel Agent

I am an easy-going, responsible 24 year-old guy. I graduated from Harvard in 2016 with a degree in Psychology and additional coursework in Creative Writing, Photography, and History of Art and Architecture. After college I worked as a writer and photographer for a few different travel companies, and I was lucky enough to travel to France, Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Singapore, Iceland, and Norway for work! After that I moved to New York for a year where I worked for a small travel-focused creative agency before moving to Portland and working as an independent contractor for a luxury travel agency.

I grew up with two cats -- Yoda and Tuxedo -- and more recently my family adopted the most amazing dog ever who we named Dobby. I loved living with cats growing (up even though Tuxedo was a bit of a problem-kitten and eventually drove Yoda a bit crazy), and I've never met a dog I didn't fall in love with.

As for plants, I'm somewhat of an expert green thumb. While living in Portland I worked part-time at a large plant nursery, where I cared for hundreds of healthy plants, revived dozens of unhealthy plants, and even propagated tons of new baby plants! I know how to make my own potting soil from scratch, propagate plants using three different methods, and care for a wide range of species from tropical philodendrons all the way to sub-saharan euphorbias. Needless to say, your plants will be in good hands!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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