A peoples person

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Wexford, County Wexford, Ireland

Über A peoples person

66 Jahre alt | Retired Policeman

I am in my Early (Very) 60's. Recently retired. Ex Policeman after 40 years on the job. I am a peoples person. Very friendly. In perfect health. I am a non smoker and I enjoy a social drink.

I am a genuine, friendly, trustworthy and honest person. Well use to taking instruction and following through. I've done this successfully for 44 years so I can do as you ask if I mind your property.

I know how to be street wise (due.g to my ex job) and this is a win win for any house owners who choose to accept me to mind their property in their absence. I am highly security conscious so you get an expert at looking after your property and keeping it the same way you had it before you embarked on your own travels. . I respect people's property as if it was my own house. Well able to adopt to your rules and little procedures you need looked after. Each year for 4 to 6 weeks I mind my neighbours house, cat and water their poly tunnel. I don't own any pets myself as that leaves me free to come and go as I please. I did have a dog, a fabulous border collie, for a number of years going back a while ago. He was my best friend. Unfortunately he passed away younger than than expected.

I enjoy conversation and thoroughly like chatting to people from all walks of life. I like to hear people's stories and I find those stories very interesting. I enjoy helping others. Am at my best doing a simple friendly good turn for a neighbour or in fact anyone who needs that little extra hand. Probably at my very best helping an elderly person. A simple humble "Thank You" and a Smile are all I need in return to make my day.

I, myself live in a bungalow with a garden that needs to be cut with a ride on lawnmower mower so am well able to maintain any larger garden.

Thank You for taking the time to read my profile. If you wish to know more or anything at all please ask away.

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