David c.

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Paris, Île-de-France, France

Über David c.

50 Jahre alt | Communication adviser

Bonjour,Bom dia, Holà, Hello,

My name is David.

3 years ago, I decided to blow off steam and go round the globe in order to volunteer and support all actions in favor of biodiversity in southern America and Asia. A didactic experience that I wish it for everyone..

I love undertaking and shaking my life up.I'm a positive versatile man who like chalenges, humour, nature, art, genuine food,spoken languages and make people laugh.
I 'm utterly respectful about the environment and all forms of culture.
I 'm a quiet and careful man as well.

Due to my job, I could easily care for your pets, plants and home for a short period of time.
( Maximum 4 weeks in a row)

I've got a net preference for quiet places especially in cities. The most important thing to me is the house might be clean. I 've had several animals so I 'd enjoy caring about them .

"As he didn't know it was impossible, so he did." Mark Twain

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch

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