Laura M.

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Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Laura M.

48 Jahre alt | CEO | Als Paar/Duo

My name is Laura I'm the Cofounder of a tech start up that was boot strapped with the help of house sitting. I am a happy, honest woman who is very fortunate to be able to live and work from anywhere with an internet connection. I absolutely love house sitting and spending quality time with animals. My profile showcases just some of my lovely fur friends around the world.

I am 47 originally from Canada but I spent 17 years living all over Europe.

My partner Carl and travel together now. He's 42 a massage therapist and a life long animal lover.

My business partners and I travelled SW France house sitting for 4 years while we built our business.

Carl and I love animals, sunshine, walking, the outdoors, food, wine, our jobs and travel.

We are have been living in Mexico for the last 3 years and have our temporary 4 year residency. We have an amazing dog named Yoli who is very well socialized, trained and gets along with all dogs. She travels with us.

You can learn more about my unique professional housesitting journey in the Trusted HouseSitters Blog. "/enable-start-up-company-to-work-remotely-worldwide/"

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Carl Cooper, 44 Jahre alt, Massage Therapist, Ehepartner / Partner
Yoli, 6 Jahre alt, Awesome Dog, Andere

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